But first I'm gonna say, Merry freaking Christmas! <3 I hope you have a fantastic time with your loved ones! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, uh, have a good End Of December? ^ ^
I'm happily listening to SMTOWN's 'The Warmest Gift' while I write this, and while I eventually face the fear of present wrapping~ I love this warm Christmas feel :'3 I'm going to take so many pictures not a thing will be forgotten :D
Now down to business! I saw dear Kydeka again and we did cosplaying! Took a ton of pictures, all of Blue Exorcist of course~ Now to spam pictures everywhere! Had to go through and pick out the best ones, there were so many o-o
First up is Shima and Rin! Shima hasn't had much photo attention since I only cosplayed him at October, but now I can show him off :D
The famous location- my door. I need a bigger room;
Awwh Rin <3
And just like last time we did little stories <3 Kydeka put them together ^-^

Bish stole the book with my face on it, rude much TT
Make fun of me why don't you
Man I love being vain :D ...as Shima that is.
'So bro...you're uh...reading a book about yourself?'
'Yeah, your point?'
Now these are just random.
Next up is Shima and Yukio! Kydeka took my Yukio cosplay and wore it...and omg she makes the BEST Yukio! I'm jealous, why are you pulling off my own cosplay better than me?!;; And this is just stories apparently.
'Oooo magic beads!' not dangerous at all.
Awwh this one won't go any bigger T^T
I call it - Annoying Yukio
Kydeka is going to make a GIF of one that isn't on here...eventually D-D
Now onto something else! Okay new cosplays, Rin and Yukio! It's like we've switched cosplays xD I complain shes a great Yukio, but it gets thrown back saying I'm a great Rin. Well then.
I love this one <3
And this! True Okumura bros~
'Blah blah blah'
'Gtfo of my face' -__-
And while we put the camera on charge we started camhoing on my phone <3
Poke poke poke -__-
Yukio, not so sure of this peace sign
Why...are you stroking my hair?
heheheh I like this~
So, so mean TT
...there are no words for these -__-
Phone derping over, time to move onto Bon and Rin :D
Or just a mix of coolness~ yeah.
Blanket hiding <3
Poor Pikachu ;A;
I only wanted to eat them;;
Phewww finally its time for Bon and Shima, finally the coolest dudes in the whole of Blue Exorcist together <3
Stupid stupid XD
-le blanket attack- D:
I melted :3
That face o-o it's never a good idea to mess with Bon
Okay I'm going to leave it there, all the best photos from the day (well half day...we slept in) and now to leave you with another Merry Christmas <3
p.s. I'm going to see Kyary Pamyu Pamyu in Feburary...AHHHHHHHHHHHH ASKDJFKLBGJSKRHGT <333