Saturday, 26 January 2013


Not even an update :D

But I made a Tumblr, not for all this reblogging and stuff I don't understand but as a uh, portfolio of mes?

It's like Instagram but no-one else can steal my face >3

I'm gonna update it with all my camho's, instead of on Twitter or something. Yuup.

Oh look here it is.

Byyyee <3

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


It snowed *o* And for the first time since I was a kid I decided that snow should be fun so I went out in it xD All by myself~

I used to go outside for like 10 minutes, get cold, complain, then go back inside again. I didn't like snow D-D it was so wet and cold and cold and ew. But it's actually not that bad ouo

My dad went ahead and took photos of me to mark the occasion- thats how rare this is for me xD
I need to stop being such a dork D-D
My awesomely awesome Hello Kitty umbrella <3 All covered in snow~
In the end I ditched the umbrella and decided to build a snowman :D
Yeah it's tiny :'3
Then I gave him a nose ^o^ this is the cutest snowman I have ever seen. And Im not just saying that because I built it~
Introducing Kon <3 It's a shame you're gonna melt ;n;
That doesn't even look like me ahahaha XD being out in the snow ouo
I saw my friiieeend <3 Hi Chihiro ^-^ she took snow pictures which she will send to me or imma cry
The trees! It's like Narnia <3
And to end on this pretty tree...bush? I don't know but it's pretty ^-^
p.s. holy fuckity fuck flying elephants! JAEJOONG'S NEW MV. Please excuse my language heheheh. Just sitting here, writing this and on Facebook and I see its released and I'm not over it ohmygod. His voice! So heartbreaking!;;;;; the emotion <3 His eyes! His shirtlessness ahhhh! VAMPIRE JAEJOONG. I'm dead. Bite me. Wait what? Who said that? Ooohhh so beautiful. Everything about it. Wowowowowow. Kim Jaejoong I loooveeee youuu~
Go and see it here! Go now! And if you've already see it, watch it again!
Okay I'm done. I will continue my excitedness on elsewhere <3

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Boom. Christmas

Ahhh it's not as exciting as it used to be when I was a kid but it's still so nice ^.^ Cause who doesn't like spending some good time with their family~?

I don't know what to write'' okay lets just have some pictures

The uploader broke omg. Now I have to upload every picture to iaza and then put it here, blogger why are you so mean to me?;; ah the things I do.

After the opening of the presents and such me and my sister decided to take pictures everywhere *o* although she is so picky about which is a good one (of course if it's a good one of me it won't be one of her or something -__-) anyway here is a nice one for the memories!
Purple hat. I wish it was mine;;

Daddy ^o^ Camera attacking while he was cooking~
Cooking what...

I wish I could have it again. Or that I had been more hungry to eat more. Ahhh~~

Such a pretty layout ;w; just like the decorations from before!

Another amazingly decorated table~
I ate so so so much food in that week *o* Im suprised I didn't suddenly become fat xD heheheh and now I even have a ton of sweets stored away. Not going to complain though ^.^ although my body might just hate me after all that TT
I did this, isn't it cute :3 Should be a cake decorator or something
Other than tons of food I got win gifts too <3 Thank you thank you -bows- I have a Japanese dictonary now so studying- you cannot get away!
I have more mangas and anime like the nerd I am, Hunger Games books which I am now completely obsessed with and other such fantastical things. Ahh nice times nice times~
The worlds, most colourful scarf <3 and Hello Kitty hair clips ^-^ I'm not too old for this stuff I swear;;
So cute I can't-
I also bought some new clothes with money I got, this is so rare for me since I'm too lazy to clothes shopping but here is what I got *o*
This hat. I am in love with this hat <3 incase you couldn't tell~
I'm even wearing it right now
Also the top I am wearing- that's new too! Its so amazing the pattern omg I love it so much!
I am such a dork TT
Finally from this one shop- jeans <3 which also, I love love love
Eheheh chubchub
I love the print on these too!
All these things from Pilot, and I will wear them together foreverrr <3 I love them! I wish I knew where there was as Pilot shop close to me :c
Ohoh and the final thing I bought was ear-rings! And I totally wasn't thinking of 2NE1 and Big Bang when I saw these...nope not at all.
I derped.
Okay thats nearly enough of me, just one more *o*

On Boxing Day, we all stuck stickers on our faces.
My hair was so more purpley back then :<
Ahh I had so much fun over the holidays <3 seeing my fantstical family and friends ^-^ even if they are a bit crazy. Christmas is always that special time <3 no matter now cold the weather is, it will always be perfect~
I hope you had a good Christmas too c:
Time to work on those New Years resoloutions.
Peace out yo <3
p.s. It seems my blogging skills have gone out the window ^ ^'

Monday, 7 January 2013

Creeper creepin'

So as the average blogger/ someone-who-spends-all-their-time-on-the-internet, I like to check my stats *o* makes me feel popular or something...idk. Anyway! After feeling all warm and fuzzy at the people who pop by and look at this very blog, I notice something interesting.

There is a creeper around. Dundundun. I wonder if you realised that what you search to get here shows up on the traffic sources page~? huhuhu.

No darling SunnyLen will not have sexy photos for you T^T go away.

It's actually kind of funny :D I think think I found what country they're from too. Not that narrows it down much but still, I feel like Sherlock so give me some credit :3

What if I was like 12? That'd be awkward.

Actually in the past when searching for myself on Google (what? don't say you don't do that) I found that there are other people in the world with similar uhh...'other names' as me. If there's an offcial word for that, I'd like to know~ anyway, and I thought I'd look them up again in my investigatingness.

I found SunnyLin who is some boob cosplayer or something. Even shares the same hobby...minus the boob part of course. I felt so awkward looking up information because of the content xD

And then an Canadian ex-film porn star named SunnyLeone. I need to change my name omg.

Why do you guys have such similar names to me? It's not faiirrr;;; I came up with SunnyLen all by myself :c


You want sexy picture huh? Well fine. Since you seem so persistant here you go~

Keep going...

Honestly you'll find what you're looking for :3

Have you ever seen someone more sexy?
Kim Heechul you god <3
Buh-bye darlings ^-^
p.s. If you keep it up I'll assume you just want my attention ;D
p.p.s. I swear I'll post about Christmas soon;; I'm just easily distracted :D
p.p.p.s. omg Super Junior-M's new MV. Break Down. I died <3

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

I'm So Cliché :D

Happy 2013 ^-^ the first day of the year went well, I was asleep for most of it~

Since it's a new year and a new start, before I go ahead to have the greatest year of my life- time to say goodbye to some great things of 2012! I'm going to try and narrow it down to 12 things about 2012.

Here we go~

1. I finished my school education and entered the real world of adulthood

2. In fact I became an adult *o*

3. I showed my tummy off to the public world

4. My confidence got invented <3 and is only getting bigger with each day (...along with an ego  -__-)

5. I had a boyfriend then I didn't have a boyfriend

6. My hair was so many different colours I'm suprised it didn't reject me and fall out (it's currently purple)

7. I started this blog :D considering how many months I've had it I didn't use it much; although I gave it 2 different designs!

8. I didn't die! Success.

9. I made some fantastical new friends through k-pop, cosplay and such <3

10. I got my first job (only 2 years later than most people)

11. I drove a car! And am so on my way to being able to do it by myself o-o

12. And finally I started studying Japanese properly, getting one step closer to where I really want to be <3

Surely my year was more interesting than that TT okay it was still a great year and I know I did so many great things <3 I can't wait for more great things in 2013! Will this be the year I can save enough to go to Japan? I sure hope so~

I have a feeling this year so many dreams will come true <3

p.s. I'll post about Christmas soon....maybe.