Saturday, 20 July 2013

I'm going to Hyper Japan!


Incase the title didn't give it away, I'm going to Hyper Japan this weekend (Saturday 27th) for one day!

I've never been before so this is just, ah, so so so brilliant!

I'll be cosplaying Renzo Shima from Blue Exorcist (again) and we've even got a little group going on *o* I love having a little group~

And incase you forgot how I look as Shima:
That quality. Yeah I haven't taken any Shima pictures in a while ;n;

BWEEEHEHEHEHEE SEE YOU THERE (ifyouregoingofcourse)

P.s. as a follow up to me now somewhat kind of but not really being on YouTube, I uploaded a new video! Since I did a picture Gwiyomi a few months ago, I've now been brave enough to do a video one (even though nobody cares about Gwiyomi anymore)

So here it is!
Bye bye~

Friday, 19 July 2013


Hey! Time for something new!

I made a vlog!

My friend has been nagging me for ages saying that I would be good vlogger because I blog...I don't think this video proves her right, but check it out anyway <3

 I filmed it on my webcam so excuse the video quality...and the sound quality. Omg you can really see how shy I am here ><

Okay enough whining I'm proud I actually made one! I hope you guys enjoyed ;u;

Back to real blogging soon.


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Liebster Award~


Thank you Nyanette/ Shining-Dreamer/ Amazing Blue for this award! (Check out her blog here, she loves Japanese fashion, need any more reason?!)

From what I gathered a Liebster (German word, means beloved, darling things along those lines aw) Award is given to new up and coming bloggers *o*

And so I copy-pasted the rules from there c:
  • You must answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
  • You must then pick 11 blogs who have under 200 followers and think of 11 questions for those.
  • Finally, link back to the blog that nominated you.
Here are her 11 questions! (And my answers of course psh):

Who is your style icon/hero (if you have one)?
It depends on what mood I'm in, sometimes I look at 2NE1 and am in love with their clothes, so Jeremy Scott wins there. But then I can look at Harajuku stuff and say Kyary Pamyu Pamyu yeah, changes.

What are you 3 favourite things to do?
Eat, Sleep, Blog. Okay no that's boring I love seeing my friends, doing make up and okay gonna add blogging again.

Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Jenna-Louise Coleman. Not because shes like me at all, but because she's so damn pretty. Makesmelookgood.

If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, which one would you wear?
My Miku cosplay! I'd feel like a princess 24/7 *o*

What would be the theme song to your life?
The Climb- Miley Cyrus wtfwtf. Okay it's all about journey and changing to get to where ever, and I do a lot of that. It's the best I can think of right now~

If you could be any animal for the day, which one would it be?
CAT DUH =^.^=

What is your favourite song by your favourite band?
Well favourite Super Junior, and my favourite of theirs is No Other <3

If you could have any superpower, which would you have and why?
Do you have any idea how hard this question is?! I'm going with being able to fly, because it'd make getting places so much easier! Want to go to Japan? Can't afford plane ticket? No problem!

What is your favourite sandwich filling?
Ham!...Wait is that boring?

What is your favourite fashion brand?
Oh now this question is difficult too. Do. Not. Have. Idk I like just items not brands.

What is the worst film you've ever read?
Wait...the worst film...I ever mean watched? Um. Okay it's this surrealist Czech film Alice. Based off Alice in Wonderland but its so DAMN CREEPY. And not even. I- don't watch it.  But here's some clips from it anyway. I hope you don't need sleep.

Questions done :D

And heres mine to ask you...well actually I don't know 11 bloggers. Heck I don't even read that many blogs. So, yeah just gonna nominate...

The gorgeous Tunika!


If I find any more I'll tag them too~ Oh back to the point, my questions!

1. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would it be?
2. What is your favourite fashion style?
3. What idol/ celebrity would you marry? (ahahaha)
4. If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would do?
5. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
6. Dogs...or cats?
7. Why are you so great? Come on, why?
8. What is your favourite season and why?
9. If you could only use one make up product for the rest of your life (eg. eyeliner/ foundation) what would it be?
10. If somebody asked you to drop everything and travel through space where no-one has ever gone before- would you?
11. What's your dream job/life?

Have fun answering! I know I did ^-^