Friday, 21 February 2014

London MCM Expo October '13 Sunday

Hello you! I've been on an accidental hiatus >>

My brain got taken over by car stuff TT (and boyfriend stuff hehehehe) car situation still not sorted but more on that when it actually is.

Instead I will finally (finally finally) blog about the last day of Expo, which was one of the best Expo days I've ever had <3

With the Ouran High School Host Club! I was Hikaru :3

Quick selfie with the darling twinny as we waited for everyone else to get ready :3
Cannot praise Kydeka enough for the gorgeous roses!!!
We had to drag our luggage with us to put it the locker type place at expo since hotel checkout was in the morning and we didn't want to wheel it around all day nope nope!
We weren't even the full group at the point as we had to find Gem (our Tamaki) and Alice (Kyoya) because they werent in the same hotel. BUT. Even with suitcases and bags and not a full group we still got stopped for photos as we wondered around trying to find this place.
And even outside the bathroom myself, Rachel (Kaoru), Tasha (Mori) and Kydeka (Honey) waited for the others we had pictures taken xD haha have your picture taken with half of the host club outside the toilets pffff

Looking out for some new guests for our club~
But finally we got rid of our stuff and became a full fabulous host club! <3
If I could sum this day up in one word it would be photos
We couldn't really go anywhere without photos being taken. And I'm not even exaggerating. When we stopped it took ages before we could go again as sooooo many people came to snap a picture.
A genius (omgomg I forgot who thought of bringing it, Tasha? maybe? imsorry) brought a roses backdrop for such times and me and Rachel were the ones to hold it up, the arms died.
But it was amazing. It was tiring but it was the best thing ever you have no idea <3 <3 <3

Here is a handful that have been dug up on the internet since (prepare yourself)

Also introducing Laxmi as our perfect Haruhi!
One amazing thing that happened when photos were being taken was that the group who always do the best Cats (The Musical) cosplays ever, I swear they must actually be in it they are so good, were around and then they were like 'can we take a picture with you?'
The amazing Cats wanted pictures with us. It was me who wanted pictures with them! Omg they are like freaking celebrities. Ahh it was so amazing ;A; and then they started playing with our back drop and roses and started dancing and alksjdld I wish I could have filmed that whole moment!
Such a pretty backdrop ;;
It was impossible to get us all facing the same camera because there were SO MANY
A FRIEND. Lots of people posed like that with us, where we all held out our roses to them ^o^ omg I wish I had been them, being given the attention of the host club *o*
Okay time to breathe for a moment. Blogging this makes me miss this day sooo much. 
Even when we went outside to do a photo shoot of sorts, there were people up on the balcony taking pictures xD its like we were the real deal guys <3
Speaking of the photo shoot, here are the gorgeous photos! 
We twins are very close <3
Lemme interrupt with a selfie with the king!
Finally Tamaki gets the guts to confess to Haruhi!
I feel bad I ruined this by looking the wrong way TT
Much better <3
From a different angle this time~
Gem actually took this one so no Tama-chan
Stairs are the best thing for pictures
The host club is really unserious a lot of the time
Especially the twins >>
Had enough of us yet?
Okay lets end this part with a family photo <3 Mother, father and daughter~
I hope Tasha and Gem don't kill me for photo stealing >> I think I included most of them!

Naturally, as I seem to do with every freaking expo post ever, I forget what we did when so heres just pictures and words and stuff c:
So there was this photo booth. IT WAS SO FREAKING TINY YOU HAVE NO IDEA. 3 people would find it a pain to take pictures in there. But what did we do? Shoved us all in it. It was so squishy xD you can probably tell. But I love these photos so much xD
A blur blur picture from lunch tiiimee <3
A selfie with Mori ^o^
And finally (omg I only camho'd with 3 others on that day what is wrong with me) one with Honey! And Usa-chan~
I've said it enough times but oh my gosh it was a wonderful day one of the best days that ever was. We have to do the host club again! It was great fun!
And thus ends the final post of October Expo 2013. Only a few months until the next one!

Ciao ciao~