Saturday, 30 June 2012

Gay Oreos

First of all- wtf human race?

Now, I don't know a single person who does not like to eat Oreos- they are so nice and good and go really well with milk. (Even though I don't like drinking milk, I'll just give it to someone else.)

And recently they posted a rainbow Oreo picture supporting gay pride (I want to eat it) and for some reason, they got hate.

Excuse me, what year are we in? 2012? Are people still so stupid not to accept gay people?

Some people are now avoiding buying Oreos. Seriously. Grow up. Homophobic people wouldn't survive in the world if they knew how many companies support gay people. Believe me I've been to London Pride and there are so many well known brands and companies supporting LGBT+. Do you want to avoid all of those too? Do you want to be hated by the majority of people for being an ignorant little moron?

Just because you have no hope of becoming more beautiful than a rainbow.

Love is love. Get it through your thick skulls and start living in the now.

Oh? So God says to hate gay people? He also says, don't work on Sundays, and a load of other outdated stuff. For the times- sure- nobody liked gay people back then. But now, its totally cool.

One of the main rules by God is 'Love thy neighbour' it is not, 'love thy neighbour unless they are gay because those people suck so you can hate on them all you like.'

I may not be strictly Christian but I believe in God and that God loves everyone.

Luckily on their Facebook page,Oreo has gotten a lot more support from people for supporting Gay Pride.

I proudly wear my rainbow band in support of the LGBT+ community. Like I said, its love, these people are happy. Of course they are happy- why? Because they don't waste time hating on people.

Le rainbow band and other stuff
My hand isn't that big.

Screw you haters. Hurry up and live a happier life and open up your mind.

Also I found this on the internets, dunno who this guy is- but it was funny


Wednesday, 27 June 2012


I MADE A HEADING. I have crap editing skills.

A random quote.
'This is impossible'
'Only if you believe it is.'
So, my nan had an 80th birthday party at the weekend :'3 (it was my mums birthday to <3 -mega hearts for her. I just have no pictures xc)

My sister took this picture with her beautiful camera which I am very jealous of~
Also- I love my dress so very much!
I found an editing site today so I had fun with this photo xD
I also did with this photo, I really am a fan of this site! If only they had face editing too~

Even though it was at this little place there was a small area with plants in, and as you can see- ROSES. Which are the best kind of flower.
Even if the picture isn't very good.

And at this adorable party full of old people and cute nan friends, they had some of the best food ;u;

Example- pink cupcake! They also had purple and yellow, but I'm biased, so the pink one gets a picture. I wish my tummy had been empty so I could have eaten more~
And mini jam things- WITH A HEART
Nan, (and to all my other grandparents and family) I will always love you, thank you for being so kind and caring and getting me through life so far- I honestly couldn't ask for better ^-^

Another happening- I went to Warner Brother Studio Tour, that Harry Potter thing. And OH MY GOSH IT WAS AMAZING. Thats honestly all I can say without giving spoilers. I'm so lucky to be going again soon <3

I also bought Luna Lovegoods wand. THIS MEANS COSLAY.

Another random happening is that I got a free sample of L'oreal BB cream (or something) which was nice (I asked for it). Although my expectations were not met for BB Cream. It was good, but I had to put more of my own make-up on top, (partically because the colour of this stuff was medium and it made me look like a freaking orange.)

But the problem probably was is that it is for anti-aging, and since I am only 18 who looks like a 15 year old (thank you work experiance teacher) it wasn't about to do anything for my skin XD There are no good photos of me today - so there is no proof xD

On bright news- (wait, this is all bright news anyway) on deviantART I got 100 favourites for the first time ever, I honestly can't believe it. That many people liked my face dressed up with cosplay. At school I couldn't get 10 peoples attention- let alone 100. AHH. I'm so happy ^ ^

This is THE ONE. The special photo that I don't even like any more xD Doesn't look like me I don't think.
I wish I could buy flowers for everyone who liked it, or even looked at it :3 And this blog too. Wow. <3 I love people.

Also I finished The Fault in Our Stars (if the picture wasn't a give away), and like every John Green book I have read so far, it was completely amazing, funny, heartbreaking and touching all at the same time. This guy inspires me to actually finish my book. I don't want to shove loads of spoilers out into the open but I will write a quote that I liked, as said by Hazel, the main character:

'I want to minimize the number of deaths I am responsible for'
Being a veggie myself, I found this quote completely awesome. And now if someone asks- this is what I will tell them. I don't like the thought of animals dying for our own selfish needs. I don't eat meat, but I have other stuff to make sure my health stays as well as someones who does. (I could probably write a whole post on this.)

There are also so many other amazing quotes and good lessons to be learnt in this book. Which I will not write about. Like I said- spoilers.

How many more happy happenings can occur this summer~? I can't wait to find out!

p.s. I was smart enough to cut myself with a razor this morning.
Wtf that doesn't even look like a body part.

Thursday, 21 June 2012


I put on contact lenses for the first time today- it only took me ten thousand tries.

 They are blue-ish, in better light it looks brighter- although my eyes are so dark it doesn't help.

And an oldy to compare it with~ Ew this photo

Same shirt, different day.

And so, I finished my secondary/ school education forever. I had my last exam today, Film Studies. I was so excited for leaving, I spent a long time thinking I was wasting my time at school when I could be doing something I loved- but then, heading home I felt really sad, it was strange, could I really be sad to go?

I might just blame it on the fact I wasn't able to finish the last question well, which was on my favourite film (Fight Club). Oh who knows.

But now, after 7 years in the same school I am free of that place and to go- where? I don't know. Thats scary, I've got my whole life ahead of me and I don't even know where to start.

Thats it really...I don't know where I'm going now, although I know I will go somewhere happy what ever I end up doing- I can't stand the thought of having to work somewhere I don't like.

On a brighter note, on Tuesday, I go to my school library to revise and I look to the wall and I see this little thing taped to it:

It made my day! The photo quality is awful, I only had my phone which is crappy quality. Rar.

Who knows whats coming in my future, but at least for now I'm going to read a book that I ordered (The Fault in Our Stars - John Green) and go to the Harry Potter Studios tomorrow- thats plenty of happiness for me.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Doing what YOU want

Honestly, I should be revising right now. Got my glasses on ready! And my handy book~

And if you're interested to know, I'm wearing one of my beautiful Eddsword t-shirts.

The book is also called A2 Level Sociology, the cam likes to mirror things *lazy*
Look at all those books on the right of the bottom picture! Oh school.

Anyway, aside from revision, which is important, as the title says here is an entry about doing what you want to do. Not what someone else says you should do.

Say you have an ambition to be a model, a singer or maybe an actor, pretty big dreams right? You may go to your school teacher and say thats what you want- but I'm sure this has happened (It even happened to me when I said I wanted to study Japanese -___-)  that they say it is not a good career choice, it's hard to get into (and who knows, maybe the school wants you to do something like maths. ew.)

But you know what?

So what if they don't think its a good idea? If it is really your dream- you follow it! It's an overly used saying but you really do only live once, so you better do what you want right away before you realise you've wasted life!
Be your dream to become a famous dancer or to become a make up artist or whatever, you really, really, ought to try your best to follow it.

(Note. Doing what you want only applies if it doesn't harm anyone/ anything. Just because you want to set fire to something it doesn't mean you should. Please notice the line between happiness and stupidity.)

So, you have your dream. Congratulations! Go after it :D People may argue with you for being stupid, or maybe even acting too self centered since it's about you (of course its about you) -but it's your life you should live it how you want to, not how someone else wants you to. If you lived it how they say- well now it wouldn't be your life would it?
If it is your true dream, then you will be determined enough to go after it- and if you're not, that's the wrong dream. Find a new one. Even if it seems like an impossible thing, it wouldn't hurt to try, many years ago people thought it was stupid to dream of being to fly- but now look! With enough money in your pocket you can go anywhere you want in the world. Or even into space.

It's important to be practical too, if you have a hard to reach dream- have fall back plans- even though planning can take a lot of effort, at least it's helpful~ Work in a boring job to get money to pay for what you need to do what you want, get connections with as many people as possible.

And don't be afraid of your dream.

Good luck c:

Now it's time for me to find what I want to do. I want to publish a novel one day, it's going to be tricky but I will do it! I dare say it again...but....YOLO. And in my one life I am now going to cuddle up with Sociology and read about crime~

P.S (after revision) I feel like such a rebel drawing in a book ono
Now to try and stay away from this site until my exams are over (a week from now.)

Friday, 15 June 2012

My Sunflower

I bought new eye liner today. So naturally I drew on my face.
I swear to you these pictures are for memory, not vainism. Although that contrasts with my sisters opinion that I grow 'vainer and vainer every day' I don't even- *hides*

Now, as the title suggests this is going to be about my very important sunflower, by the name Nii-chan (you have Blue Exorcist to thank for that one) *creative plant name dance* He (yes he, its a dude now) was given to me by my teacher in my last sociology lesson.

Heh. Chicken.

I've never really taken care of a plant, so naturally, I was excited. We just put some seeds right there and now, however many weeks later (I got this at the end of May) Nii-chan has grown so much ;u;

As strange as this may seem, I see my little plant as a representation of my exams, if I accidently kill this thing I am sure to fail- but luckily its alive and happy and healthy! I hope I can bloom and grow as well as this flower.  With the right care and dedication I believe I can achieve anything :D Life fact. I won't give up looking after it! So I won't give up on anything else either.

P.s. The mobile version of this thing is so adorabe, there is a little picture that comes up next to the blog posts have to see it to know what I'm talking about.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Day Two

It has occurred to me that even if no-one reads this I will still write it.

I'm having a red day.

Please meet my Axel plushie! Who was a present from my dear cousin~ Interesting situtions arise when I cosplay said Nobody whilst holding this plushie which often ends in some kind of self-cest...yeah.

I would post a picture of my Axel cosplay, but oh boy I don't look very Axel - it was my first cosplay. Ohdear. There are pictures around, but gee they are funny to look at!

And now, for a topic that isn't cosplay, something much more fun, revision! Something I find impossible -maybe if you got off the computer- I am coming up to my A2 exams and have no motivation. I want to do well though, if I don't do well, nobody will employ me, since grades are apparently the most important thing to decide if you are good at life or not. *le sigh* even chosing to not going to university right now is putting a dent on how good of a job I can get.

Can anybody explain this crazy logic to me? I'm a nice person and I can do some stuff, but I don't get A grades, how does this make me less employable? I'm not trying to be a doctor!
A screw that I'm going to do Japanese even classes in September <3 *walks away slowly*

I'm going to work hard at the things I love the best- yes I complained about society before, but I think instead of complaining its better to work out a way to get around the system, so long as you are happy with what you are doing, it doesn't matter if you aren't 'conforming' people complain about the country all the time anyway, so why the suden urge to fit in with it?

I'm sure nobody wants to be the depressed looking people who catch the train into London early every morning. I sure don't. School might tell you 'you won't ever get anywhere without a degree' but I bet you can think of loads of people who don't have one who are successful. Even those who are famous.

I'm gonna do what I want :3

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

New Beginnings

*Leaps out of the shadows* Hello there~! Welcome to my first blog post, I hope it's interesting...really I do ^ ^'

This, is me ouo I have as much confidence as a mouse crossing a road. Which, btw, is not much at all ;n; Working on it though! It's important to have confidence, especially when it comes to job interviews xD *needs to get some*.

 Just to kick things off I am going to introduce myself with my favourite hobby: cosplay!

First of all here is the cutest Vocaloid, Kagamine Len- I hope you guys have heard of him! He was my first cosplay and well, I never stop loving wearing all this, he is just so adorable and fun to be~

If you would like to investigate my not-so-flattering DeviantART page and you will find other Len pictures, although, not many, I honestly chicken and run away from posting most of my cosplay pictures.

But! I also have this new video, I would love if you saw it -shameless advertising-. In all seriousness, if I could, I would send you a thousand roses just for reading this blog ^ ^

I'll try hard not to ramble! I've also cosplayed Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Yukio from Blue Exorcist, evidence of these are...somewhere around ^ ^' I'm not a big fan of those cosplays as I am of Len, since, well I look like a 14 year old anyway.

(I have done more cosplays too, I think I might write an entry on just cosplay.)

And as for this blog! Yes this thing right here (curious isn't it?) I'm going to use it just to post general happens, mostly cosplay related, or even K-Pop since I'm quite obsessed, posting drawing and writing is less likely since I'll just get scared and hide in a hole ':3
Thank you for reading :3 Feel free to ask me any questions that I will jump into action and answer them *has super costume ready* Once I get started on something, I don't stop, often causing people running a mile, stopping for a moment, and then running some more to escape my insane mind thoughts. But at least I like what Im thinking :D
p.s. I swear I don't always sound like a pompous British noob.