Saturday, 16 June 2012

Doing what YOU want

Honestly, I should be revising right now. Got my glasses on ready! And my handy book~

And if you're interested to know, I'm wearing one of my beautiful Eddsword t-shirts.

The book is also called A2 Level Sociology, the cam likes to mirror things *lazy*
Look at all those books on the right of the bottom picture! Oh school.

Anyway, aside from revision, which is important, as the title says here is an entry about doing what you want to do. Not what someone else says you should do.

Say you have an ambition to be a model, a singer or maybe an actor, pretty big dreams right? You may go to your school teacher and say thats what you want- but I'm sure this has happened (It even happened to me when I said I wanted to study Japanese -___-)  that they say it is not a good career choice, it's hard to get into (and who knows, maybe the school wants you to do something like maths. ew.)

But you know what?

So what if they don't think its a good idea? If it is really your dream- you follow it! It's an overly used saying but you really do only live once, so you better do what you want right away before you realise you've wasted life!
Be your dream to become a famous dancer or to become a make up artist or whatever, you really, really, ought to try your best to follow it.

(Note. Doing what you want only applies if it doesn't harm anyone/ anything. Just because you want to set fire to something it doesn't mean you should. Please notice the line between happiness and stupidity.)

So, you have your dream. Congratulations! Go after it :D People may argue with you for being stupid, or maybe even acting too self centered since it's about you (of course its about you) -but it's your life you should live it how you want to, not how someone else wants you to. If you lived it how they say- well now it wouldn't be your life would it?
If it is your true dream, then you will be determined enough to go after it- and if you're not, that's the wrong dream. Find a new one. Even if it seems like an impossible thing, it wouldn't hurt to try, many years ago people thought it was stupid to dream of being to fly- but now look! With enough money in your pocket you can go anywhere you want in the world. Or even into space.

It's important to be practical too, if you have a hard to reach dream- have fall back plans- even though planning can take a lot of effort, at least it's helpful~ Work in a boring job to get money to pay for what you need to do what you want, get connections with as many people as possible.

And don't be afraid of your dream.

Good luck c:

Now it's time for me to find what I want to do. I want to publish a novel one day, it's going to be tricky but I will do it! I dare say it again...but....YOLO. And in my one life I am now going to cuddle up with Sociology and read about crime~

P.S (after revision) I feel like such a rebel drawing in a book ono
Now to try and stay away from this site until my exams are over (a week from now.)

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