Sunday, 29 December 2013

13 Things About 2013

I hope everyone's Christmas was great! Mine was ^o^ and then I brought a 3DS and then my life was over <3

I'm doing the same thing as last year yay! As the years go on I'll have to do more and more cool things to add up to the number. It's a few days away yet but new year is soon so let me have a think about things that I've done xD

1. I got a car. And pretty much re-learnt how to drive it!

2. So that means I also passed my driving test! Oh yes! 10 points!

3. Made a load of new friends, mostly at conventions of course <3

4. Went to Hyper Japan for the first time and it was amazing~


6. Oh and even though it was back in February, I also saw Kyary Pamyu Pamyu in concert <3 <3 <3 that being my first concert EVER. and and I saw other shows too!

7. Again my confidence grew and grew with my blog, it's really taken off this year ^o^

8. I started on YouTube! I haven't given up on it but I actually have videos now, with my face and voice! Gosh~

9. (Because this is damn cool for me) I got approached by a model scout

10. I had a bit of a muddle with jobs/ no job but now I'm in a whole new one which I like c:

11. I pushed my hair to the extreme with bleaching and dying, it still hasn't recovered xD

12. I re-discovered my love for interesting fashion

13. I also found more about myself and what I think about different things and just things about me

Oh my gosh I looked back on my blog titles over the year and I can't believe all those things were this year! They seem like a life time ago! And also looking back I really had a good year <3 <3

I wonder what next year will have in store for me ^o^

Late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year <3

Monday, 16 December 2013

Plastic Plastic Fake Fake!

Good evening dears~! I hope you've been seeing my excessive camhoing on Dayre?

Today I'm going to talk about plastic surgery ooooo. First of all, I think its perfectly okay! I'm all for beauty and that's just a length people can go to to achieve it. And well it sure works! I'm totally jealous of how amazing it can make people look. Just because they've got guts and money xD

It bugs me about how taboo it is in the UK. I've actually never gone past a plastic surgery place before, or ever seen any adverts. When somebody mentions it (like I have to friends before) you always get the 'oh no you don't need it youre so pretty!'

Yeah but what if I want to look prettier?!

It just seems like too damn extreme for people in this country. And if someones had it done they keep it secret wtf. Why aren't you showing off your dedication to your looks? It's so bad when people lie. And then wonder why it has a bad reputation.

I'm jealous of people in South Korea, it's such a common accepted thing there! Like- you wanna get a double eyelids? Okay go on then. Hey it looks good!

Wah wah wah

(Although why people want double eyelids I do not know. I wish there was one for single! They can look damn good also!)

I don't think I could ever mention such a thing to my family, it's like me announcing that Im going to France to marry a guy Ive never met xDD (best fake example ever)

Dear me, Western world why arent you accepting?! So much is about beauty but as soon as its something more permanent like surgery you avert your eyes and scorn people wtf wtf

General reactions are 'fake' 'bimbo' 'plastic' 'vain' etc etc. mostly fake. Oh how is your makeup and hair extensions doing recently?

I don't get how if someone is naturally pretty they get all the praise and everything but if someone is just as pretty but it's because of surgery they get hated on for it! Just because this one person was born with a good face, it's not fair! People cannot help the face they're born with. Some people will use make up to alter themselves but some can use surgery. No big diff. Why should they accept the face they have if they can get one they want? Omg omg people are so bitter.

I've never ever had anything done but I'm not past thinking about it, if I was loaded (and was able to get away with it without my parents killing me haha) I would totally have (not official names I dont know stuff like that) (oh and its included cosmetic surgery):

-Eye widening

-That thing they do to give people aegyo sal

- Straight nose bridge

- Something thatll make my skin all nice idk xD zap it

I think thats it from the top of my head~

Oh oh wait! Give me Invisalign PLEASE

And if I don't ever get those things I want the UK to actually sell beauty products I want! Sheet mask, hair mask, Etude House stuff, bottom false lashes! ;n; I've never found these things ever ever </3

(Can you tell where I get my beauty ideals from? xD)

Guuuhh then I'd look so perfect guys!


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Why Do You War?!

There's no real reason why I'm writing this now when it would have made more sense to write it like last month but oh well here!

Maybe cause I was going on a mini rant with my mum about how charity people always try and bug you on the street haha xD

Oh right, first, disclaimer: some people may get offended by reading this blah blah blah. if you're pro war for some reason go away I don't even want you page view.

I was having a think about that and then I remembered the time that on the street in my town was a guy getting people to donate money to soldiers and stuff. It was damn annoying how he was shouting out to try and get people to come, he had a table and flag and everything oh my god.

So this stall was to get money to help them out and then to freaking recruit people to join the army! Fuck no.

You know you always try to avoid eye contact with these type of people otherwise they'll feel inclined to talk to you (bleh) and when I had accidently eye contact with this guy it was bitch glare and then march right on by.

No I won't support that! No chance.

On Remembrance Day I buy my poppy and I wear it and I do the silence because it's damn sad to have so many people die for something so stupid and avoidable :c 

Especially when you think about WW1 and WW2, such tragic loss! Just because people are selfish and want power.

Hey, if you want people to like you be nice don't kill them. Duh.

But! When troops go swanning in to some other country cause they are trying to get all involved and up in the counties business and then get killed because of it- wtf!

I'm not gonna support that! What did you expect was going to happen when you went to war?! You were gonna live?! People die in wars for gods sake.

I don't support war at all man! Even when people try to resolve stuff with violence I'm like...did somebody replace your brain with a block of wood?

Aaah you'd think with all the shit that comes with war that people would learn but no they do not

It's not noble, its not smart and you can get killed.

There's this Christmas advert right now and it's got a home video of this family doing a video message for their dad saying happy Christmas and stuff cause he's doing military things, at the end he shows up and they're all very excited and its cute. But wtf what kind of parent puts a war over their own family?!

Being there for your family is more important than anything

The kids could see you every day! Not have to miss you.

Also also, you don't just get killed in wars. You kill people too. Nice having that on your conscience huh?

Killing people is wrong no matter how much excuse you want to put on top of it.

So yeah, moral of the story- don't get me to donate to your war cause, you wouldn't have gotten hurt if you didn't have a war in the first place c:



I'm actually using it now! I plan to update it with something every day ^-^ cause every day happenings aren't cool enough to make it on to the blog xD

Why should you follow me?

Cause right now you're missing out on these camhos that I took since I got my phone fixed! (yes fixed. Im soo happy)

Dayre knew I started a new job, knew how I won the staff over by talking about video games and how damn scary driving in the fog was. You guys didn't :c
So what are you guys waiting for?! Go and follow me on Dayre ^o^
I am as SunnyLen of course!!!

I don't know how to get a mobile link type thing omg. but now you know. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE. Download it, follow me!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Shallow Ah

Pretty this, pretty that. How's my make up? Clothes? Hair? Can I just check on my reflection? Quick take a selca!

Okay I've got a lot of talking to do right now xD I was gonna write a 'off load old selcas that deserve attention' post but now I'm just gonna include it in this post because posts without pictures are boring.

And sorry if I repeat some, I forget.

When my Shima wig first arrived it was so pretty xD
There really is a point to this okay lets get on with it.
Right now, I've realised how much i've changed how how I have actually become kind of shallow wtf. It's not 100% because of course if you know me, you know how I can be shy etc etc. but it is pretty key I think!
I won't go on a date with you because you are not good looking enough. - God damn I think that all the time. Its probably a teenager thing but I remember back at school and people would show a picture of their boyfriend and everyone would be like 'oh he's so cute' That's the reaction you want! If you didn't get it you failed hahaha
Who doesn't want to have a hot person next to them? I want someone I can take selcas with who will look good with me! I put so much effort into how I look, it's only fair they do as well.
I'm also way too absorbed in my own life to let somebody else in like that
(And don't say you don't think stuff like that either. People are idolised for how hot they are :3)
I love to take selca's all the time because it makes me happy! In case I forget how I look or I feel ugly that day I can have nice pictures to remind me!
Although I dropped my phone dammit. One of the cracks goes over the front camera ;n;
And taking ones without being able to see is hard. Wtf
I think saying that I like to camho isn't even news to you guys hahahaha!
I also think I've got a slight obsession. I've decided its an obsession because on multiple occasions I tell my self to stop 'famewhoring'
I think about how I can improve, catch attention without it being OTT wrong kind of attention. I want to be bigger than freaking XiaXue. I want to be known for my blog, cosplaying, selcas. And in the future maybe even fashion (news: Im considering studying fashion design) and maybe YouTube idk.
Don't get me wrong, I love doing all those things! But it's not like being an accountant where you just go ahead and do that shit, with these things you have to be known to be successful. I just happen to like something like that.
And ever since I got approached by that model scout I've started to consider it to be a realistic goal for once.
What do you think?!
'Even though I have bitchy thought's I'm actually a nice person' - motivation to keep going c:
You know when I can't see how I look I worry I look bad and then confidence leaves for a while wtf.
I still miss this hair :c
All my goals right now are very 'me' orientated. I'm trying to get my skin looking good, trying to get fit and healthy. It's damn hard let me tell you! If I told my friends/ family I was exercising they'd be like 'WHY YOU DONT NEED TO' but shut up c: I may be small but I am not fit no way!
If I can get fit then I can skilled at other things. I'm in love with K-Pop (duh duh duh) and want to be able to dance like them. One day to be able to say 'yeah, I can do that.' famewhoring
Enough selca for you?
Getting success for just blogging is not skill enough for me! I'm gonna do more and more or everything!
'Im so gorgeous what do I do' vs. 'oh my god Im never as pretty as her this sucks what now? what lengths do I need to go to?!' - Inner mind battle
Is this some kind of rebound cause of how I grew up so shy and un-me?
Who knows who knows, I sure don't.
Although I can't deny I'm having fun! If I met my old self I wouldn't like her. I would get annoyed at how closed off she was and how, she didn't realise the first step to personal happiness was look good!
Old self, you should have owned wigs and lashes

I feel I should mention that I'm sometimes still quite like that, so you don't hate me by the
time you finish this post <3

*Still a nice person
*Still gets insecure and shy about stuff
*Still the girl you see in all my posts. I'm nothing if not honest
*Still not sure on life goal. But this is what I'm thinking about right now.
I am freaking SunnyLen and I can do anything <3

Saturday, 30 November 2013

London MCM Expo October '13 Friday

Finally gotten over post-Expo blues long enough to blog about it~ (please take me back ;n;)

I travelled from home by myself again this time, which of course means I got to mirror hog and whatever hahaha!

Friday I wore Kagamine Len (the Vocaloid if you don't know~)

Ready to go!

Please excuse all the effects, I've kind of become addicted to this Chinese photo app >>
It was so sad guys, I had to leave my alpaca behind because she would just not fit in my suitcase ;A; bye bye Haru-chan </3
Even though the case was this huge TT Also wearing jeans and cardigan because its cold
It kind of sucked how I had nobody to travel with wah wah. I was self conscious wtf. Yes yes people in my town I'm aware how much I stood out xD  
Although maybe it was a good thing because someone offered to help me with my case on the train aw *o* (but where was that help when I had to drag it up flights of stairs omg. IM NOT THAT STRONG OKAY)
After a fair amount of travel and dying because of how unfit I am to carry suitcase and looks, I finally see some of the others yaaaaaay! Finally I didn't feel so stand-outy ':3
So wonderful to see them again! And then after a ton of waiting and waiting and waiting the others appeared too! <3 AH <3 <3 <3 other than Kydeka I hadn't seen any of them since last Expo ;A;  I miss them already~
Once we were all gathered we travelled off to the Excel centre and then our hotel~!!! When we arrived it was kind of different o-o there were staff standing outside the doors, not letting people in until the opening time. Normally you have to wait until the part with all the stalls in to be 'in' the Expo, but this time they just kind of had the whole building. Which meant we had to walk around the outside to get to our hotel ;^;

Changed into full cosplay and ready to Expo! At last <3
Here's my twin! Alice! I actually know her cosplay this time around...not just because she's Rin or anything
If it weren't for Alice I would've been the odd one of the day, which is, very sad. Everyone else was from Kuroshitsuji/ Black Butler which I couldn't do because I didn't have enough money ;A;
So naturally on Friday we stuck together ^o^ We wondered around the shopping area a bit because I wanted to shop then, although in the end I actually didn't. We got a lovely amount of photos taken too <3 which was wonderful~ and compliments! Gah!
Also a total first for me somebody asked us to do a birthday shout out for his friend who wasn't at the Expo. So yeah I hope you had a good birthday dude! (I have no idea how to spell it but his name was Nadge) I felt like a somebody doing that xD Or...dressed as a somebody at least.
So that was all really fun, our twin photos <3 <3 although I've only come across one online so far D:
Even though it was only a month ago my memory is awful, so I hope the others remind me of stuff that happened that I didn't write about~
THIS WAS LUNCH SORT OF. Late lunch. Some noodles with a meat that I don't remember which one and some sweet and sour sauce, it was damn nice <3 <3
I believe lunch was before splitting up and Kagamine twin wondering, so by the time we re-joined the others they were outside! And now you can finally see them in their Kuroshitsuji goodness thanks to the power of selcas!

Kydekaaaaa. As the best Grell EVER

Dear Rachel as the Undertaker! Her contacts were a-ma-zing.

Tasha as Sebastian! Also had winning contacts!

Claire (who I actually got to meet properly this time round ^-^) as Ciel awww

Shona as Mei-rin <3  

And finally another one with Alice before she wondered off xD
The Kuro lot were all hot in their cosplay while I was cold TT Bleh. But we stayed outside and met a pair of really nice cosplayers who's names I actually can't remember IM SORRY
But here's a picture of one of them as Honey ><
After that I think we just went back to the hotel, somehow time totally flew while we were there aw.
But that also meant more food! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay <3 I ordered a pie of some sort which was soooo nice. I don't know how a hotel can have such yummy food but it does xD It was great just sitting and eating and laughing :'3 it makes staying in London worth it!

I moustache you a question...
Mwah mwah mwah! You see what I mean about the contacts?!
Sebas-chaaaaan~! Oh you.
What is this thing being pointed at my face? Bawww
Wow I didn't have much coverage of the day ;n; but anyway that was Friday and after more more chats and laughs it was time for beeed and for me, taking my yellow nail varnish off and putting teal on. omg.
Okay look out for Saturday post sooooooon! <3 <3

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Super Show 5 London!!!

Now I need to breathe and write this quickly before I get over excited about the memories:

If you wanna read a fan account scroll down, first I'm writing about our day in London okay? okay c:

Right so, because it costs so much to travel into London, we (we as in myself and Kydeka) decided to spend the day there to make it more worth while! And what a good choice it was~

First of all we headed to Camden to find the Hyper Japan store ^o^ it took a damn while but eventually we did, and it was small aw :c we didn't buy anything but all that effort was totally worth it!

Why you ask?! Because we saw Tana and Aiden on the TV outside the store! It was showing about Hyper Japan, and there they were in their Amaimon and Mephisto gear! Eeeee <3 it was like they were famous *o*

Look to the left yeah!
Okay then after there it was time to head for the no.1 location always-must-go-there in London, Tokyo Toys! <3

I brought myself a lovely Attack on Titan necklace, which I don't have a picture of because I'm lazy but I super super love it! And also funnily enough while we were there we saw the guy from Expo (oh yeah you don't know who I didn't write about it yet) who did the wristbands, and who also took a picture of us all on the Sunday! For some reason that was really exciting xD

Kydeka got a Pikachu onesee. So mature. Okay I'm actually jealous it's so soft ;u;

Then we headed to nerd store number two to just have a look around because you can't not go there~ (Forbidden Planet) and even though this day was costing me a lot already, I brought 3 mangas yay! 2 Blue Exorcist and the first Attack on Titan <3 (can you tell what I'm in to right now >>)

And so, since I was kind of dying of tired (I didn't sleep much ;^;) we went to China town to get some lunch <3 checking out all these different places to then pick one! And here where a good story comes in, please look at the next paragraph hahahaha.

As we were going to our chosen restaurant this Asian guy comes up to us (who had walked by before, I didn't notice) and says 'you guys are adorable' WHAT. OHMYGOD THAT IS SO RANDOM. WHY ARE YOU SO RANDOM. Although that was sweet aw xD surely he can't of actually been from the UK even though he had no accent, we don't go up to people like that in this country oh no.

But we got a nice little conversation out of him, didn't get his name though. Although it's great meeting new people with Kydeka so we get to tell people about our same name xD He also said that I didn't look English...where do I look like I'm from then?! Oh my days xD I think I would have also enjoyed that conversation more if I wasn't hungry and tired and kind of ill~

But thanks for the compliment <3 <3 <3

So finally we get to eat at a Chinese restaurant and oh my god it was so nice <3 I have no idea where the restaurant was or what it was cool but it was so yummy! Had some chicken noodle thing and you got given flower tea (is it Jasmine? Idk) not an option though! Although I'm not a big fan, I was so grateful for something hot to drink since it was a cold day~

Although after eating, I still didn't feel 100% so we went to Boots and I got pain killers yay! The reason I didn't sleep much was tummy pains (for no reason wtf) and they kept coming back all day and trying to kill me :c

And then we went to the bank to get MONEY oh yes. That's not really important but the great part about that was how the machines offer 'advice slips' I was like what advice can a cash machine give you?! But I didn't care enough to find out :'3

And then we realised we had nothing to doooo so we decided to head to the concert venue!!!!!

On the super long tube ride I was really slowly dying from feeling ill ;n; I didn't think Id cope going to the concert omg, but there was no way I'd miss it for nothing! But luckily, the pain killers decided to work then! So slowly slowly I was getting better ^o^

It took a little while but we finally found Wembley Arena!!!!!! <3 (Omg Im excited just thinking about it), we even passed a big group of people taking a picture with fan signs and stuff. ELFs!!!!

Even though we were several hours early there was still so many people outside the venue!

It suddenly felt very very real, that we were actually going to see Super Junior! That they were inside of the building we were at!!!

And what a pretty building it was *o*
And here we are outside EEEEEEE
This hair style kept falling out dammit
And because we had so much time we headed off to find a café of sorts, I'd been wanting to get coffee all day xD and we found a Café Nero! Yaaaay <3 since it was so busy in there we got our drinks and headed back, wondering wtf we were supposed to do with all our time now xD since we'd earlier been told to start lining for seating at half 7 or something -___-
So we stood randomly somewhere and what is this...we could and wait...SINGING?! OH MY GOD WE COULD HEAR THEM INSIDE. By the sounds of it they were practising A-Oh! (I think). I nearly cried. Oh my god I squealed and laughed and looked stupid but I really couldn't believe it! (needless to say I was feeling better!)
Then we went and stood somewhere else where by luck a standing queue started forming because one of the staff was like 'just make a queue' I guess she was so done with everyone just standing around xD time to stand organised! So we got to be right near the front yaaay!
And there we made QUEUE FRIENDS <3 which was awesome, we spent those 2 hours or something just talking about Super Junior and K-Pop <333 I've never had such a K-Pop conversation before <3 it was kind of beautiful ;u; they were all super nice! One of them came from Spain and another from Poland! Just for SS5 oh my god dedication!
Awesome picture with (2 of) new queue friends! Nico and Charmaine ^o^ Thank you guys for making queueing that much more fabulous! <3 <3 <3
So yeah, wonderful conversation-ing happened in the queue~ it was also freezing cold so it was good to be distracted from the weather xD And we could all get excited together!
In the queue we were also given fan signs!! which was damn exciting because we didn't get lightsticks :c tried looking for the seller but couldn't see them ;n;

Top left: For Henry and Zhoumi who couldn't be there ;A; so sad :c and to show that we all accept them as part of SJ! AND NO HEECHUL EITHER /CRIES or Yesung or Leeteuk </3
Top right: For during Mary U <3 <3
Bottom Leftish: I don't remember when for, for always hahaha. The concert was so close to the anniversary ;u;
Bottom Right: For during the Hero stage (which ended up being Wonder Boy) because Siwon dresses as Captain America, heres something even better! Hehehe~
Ignore the article, it doesn't count~ although it what was the i paper wrote about SuJu and the concert <3
OH AND AT LAST ITS TIME TO GO INSIDE I CANT BELIEVE IT. and I was glad also because I was so cold haha. First they did a bag check and threw away my bottle lid. rude. but at least I got to actually keep the water ^o^
And we find our seats! Which were actually the wrong ones and a staff came and moved us FORWARDS. OH MY GOD. while we waited for it to start they played SJ songs which we were all singing too, and when they played 'No Other' everybody screamed <3
OUR VIEW. <3 <3
And blue nails of course <3
Omg I don't think my heart can take writing about the actual concert. I. my feels. I miss them so much ;A; okay here we go
FAN ACCOUNT OF SUPER JUNIOR'S SUPER SHOW 5 LONDON STARTS HERE (if you don't care about me and just wanted to read this bit :3)

So the lights go down and a video comes up on screen, with a spy theme! Ooooo! Even when the video started, before you saw anyone, everyone was screaming xD and then as the different members appeared, more screaming! They were just being so cool!!!
They started of with Mr Simple! Which is the only song I actually learnt the fan chant to xD so that was fun! BLOW YOUR MIND~. Then they sung Bonamana *cue extra screaming at those hip thrusts oh yes. Then they did the Korean version of Super Girl <3 I wish they'd done the Chinese version though, because that's the one I like best xD but it was great nonetheless! I was still in the 'that's actually them' state of mind, whist screaming my head off ;u;
After that they did their introduction! When they did their greeting everyone was like AAAAHHHHH. Omg I've waited a long time to see that in person >< Okay everyone was like AAHH and every point and at every sentence hehehehe xD
First was Shindong! Said it was 'nice to meet you' AND I AGREE YES IT WAS.
Next up Sungmin! (that adorable guy) and he said 'you are so gorgeous' I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ACTUALLY SAID IT. THAT LINE. I. OH MY GOD <3 I wanted somebody to say so bad ;u; reminds me of Full House days and dear Heechul ><
Then Ryeowook's turn! 'I love you!' awwww <3 and he did a heart ^ ^
And Donghae!!! I think his greeting was the best, he started with 'my name is- what?' gosh so confident Hae! and he said it again and everyone was like 'DONGHAE' of course xD then he explained 'I can speak English but only a little bit' (and boy was he wrong, his English was so good! I was amazed at how much English he actually knew <3) and he went on to say 'today, forget everything. Your boyfriend, your homework, money. Everything!' I was like OKAY SURE NO PROBLEM. 'Only one day, only one show' of course it is the most important thing ever. and then that guy, that guy pointed at the camera and gave a kiss >u<
Next Kangin! didn't do English like the others before but there was a translator~ he said it was his first time in London and it was just like a dream! Awww! and and that they'll give us an unforgettable performance that we'll never forget. That- is very true! Kangin, how did you know?!
Then it was Siwon! and he started talking (in English!) about when he came to London before and he said it was a hard time with the Eurostar and some shooting problem in Paris omg, but ELF saved him! Aww! AND he said he had always wanted a concert in London <3 we waited as long as you Siwon-y x3 it was so cute that he said 'God bless'
And probably the most funny introduction was Kyuhyun's! When everybody started screaming he like, did sort of a celebration action, like he was basking in the glory, which made everybody scream more of course xD it was brilliant! then he said 'let me introduce myself' xDD (and his English was so cuuuteee) 'I am a member of the very popular boy group, Super Junior. you know?' hahahah xD How he said it with a straight face I do not know. and he added a 'You are so gorgeous' there too <3 <3 oh Kyuhyun
Then finally Eunhyuk time! Our temporary leader~ he totally soaked up the love for a moment, much more classy than Kyuhyun xD and he said 'yes yes sure' which ended up being the catch phrase for the entire concert! I think it was them being British or something xD he introduced himself as anchovy xD and he was then like 'anchovy no' and did a Donghae and said 'my name is what?!' EUNHYUK <3 said he was excited, and told us to be more excited! He spoke in a bit of English but stuck with Korean mostly. He said the members that couldn't come were sad :c Heechul ;A; and Henry and Zhoumi :cc
He also said that because they'd come all the way from Mexico from their last concert so they were tired, poor things :c :c they really didn't act like it though!!!
Oh my god I wrote so much already xD I will try to narrow it down a bit for writing about the rest.
So they went on to more performing! Doing It's You <3 <3 there are no words to describe how much I love this song. It was utterly heart breaking and amazing to see it performed live ;n; it was my first SJ song as well. I really felt Heechul's absence towards the end as he has his little bit, but any missing parts (like Heechul's, Yesung's and Leeteuk's) were so amazingly covered you couldn't even tell! Wookie covered a lot, he is SUCH a good singer!
Then they did Sexy, Free and Single and SPY :D I got so excited seeing the (what I call) the swan dance at the start of Sexy, Free and Single and then the switch between Kyu and Wookie in SPY and and that off the shoulder jacket bit! Huuuuu. And because Sungmin is just love, when he did the 'pew' at the end. I. GAH <3
I think the solo time was next ^o^ ...there might have been another spy video first, I think there was. I don't remember the order but Kyuhyun came on and sang 'Isn't she Lovely' ;u; eeeeeee <3 it was so cute and his English! 'lobely' hehehehe aw. and god I could just put him in my pocket <3 it was brilliant when Shindong came on and tried to mess up the performance! First by stealing his harmonica and then dancing around him XD such a cute and funny performance :'3
Then (maybe then, I think then) was CROSSDRESSING TIME OH YES. First up came Siwon in a nice blue number, ohmygod his legs! Then Wookie...and oh my god HOW IS HE SO GOOD LOOKING AS A GIRL?! I CANT BELIEVE IT. Then Kangin as Ga In xD and finally Sungmin came out as Hyuna! Min...YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS. I can't believe how amazing he looked either! Does it better than Hyuna her self~ and then they all did Sistar's Alone which was hilarious! And how is it they can wear heals better than me?
Next up was EunHae ^o^ EEEE. They first sung Hello which a totally amazing love love love song <3 and then another highlight, Oppa Oppa! Before they started they had a competition of who can get ELF to yell 'Oppa' the loudest xD which was fun. Hae let Hyukkie win c: I suddenly had a 'am I actually shouting oppa like a crazy person?' moment but I got over it and shouted as loud as possible! And it made me super happy that the London part of their song finally came true! Oppa Oppa~~
Then they did A-Oh! Which is, if you read the top half, what we heard them practise! EEE! Like with Super Girl it was the Korean version so I was like aw :c but still love love loved it all the same!
And the part I had been waiting for (not that I knew what they were gonna perform but I was hoping for this) ROCKSTAR! I love that song so much! It was great to sing along and see them all get crazy and hyper :'3 and they did the ending a lot of times! I think it was Hyuk and Siwon who stripped. THOSE ABS OH MY HOLY SHISUS. this was totally the most fun performance of the whole concert!
I believe there was another video but I don't remember which, I think it was where they were all being badass seeming again and there was a moment where you think Kyuhyun is the boss and Shindong just shoves him out the way xD Then theres a mega shoot out BUT they don't actually have guns! They're just pointing finger guns at each other ahahahaha XD And they all 'die' and then walk away fine.
While Im here and since I don't remember the video order, there was a super sad one with Hae and Kyu about a loved one dying and then I think Hae wished for it to have not happened but it happens to Kyu instead, because (Kydeka had to explain this to me) it still had to happen to someone. But Kyuhyun protects her and HE GETS SHOT omg the tears help
So the next performance after whatever video it was was the ballads ;A; they did Bittersweet, Someday and Memories together. I cry. It was like crying but I had no liquid in my body for tears xD too much screaming. but oh my god it was so heart breaking.
And because they wanted to reduce ELF into sobbing messes, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook did Grey Paper and if that wasn't sad enough THEY PUT YESUNG UP ON THE SCREEN ;A; K.R.Y. <3<3<3 all the tears. so good yet so sad ;A;
Then another video (I remember where this one was xD) they were all in their super hero costumes trying to fight this bear I think! It was so funny xD Which can only mean it was time for the hero stage! When I heard Wonder Boy start I got SO EXCITED!!! I love that song so so so much, especially because its from the film <3 <3 they need another film omg. They dorked around so much during this one xD Kyuhyun is the PERFECT Loki!
Then there was another video! Teaching us the dance to Sunny ^o^ which was really cute and I still remember it of course :'3 and because as you know, my blog is 'Sunny' my online me is 'Sunny' so it was like they were singing to me! HEHEHEHE <3 'Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, I love you~' bawwwwwwww. Such an adorable performance!
And after all that fun they went and made as sad again saying the concert was almost over ;A; with their ''last song'' (Note those little things there) So I. It wasn't the end! They then sung Sorry Sorry (OMFG one of the best performances <3<3 doing the little dance), Miracle, which was such a good song for them to sing! So sweet and such memories :'3 and it seemed to have a great meaning because it was their first show in London, Dancing out and then Mary U which I squealed at a lot and screamed. Totally in love with them more and more! Yes Super Junior I will marry you okay? Okay <3<3<3
Then it was time for their real end messages (they talked a lot before the encore). It was so sad ;A; I couldn't believe it was over.
I'm gonna write these a bit shorter than the opening ><(might come back and edit this to write more haha). Their ending was like half an hour or something xD
There another screaming contest! I think first it was the guys! Because they were surprised that there seemed to be a fair amount of guys there (I was surprised too xD) but when half the girls screamed too Hae was like 'ONLY GUYS.' it was so funny xD And every time he got more loud about it even yelling 'NO!' xDDD and when it was the girls turn he was like 'ON-LY-LA-DIES' hehehehehehe xD needless to say that was VERY loud oh my god. Then they did 'only staff' and because of their accents we heard 'only Steph' and were like OMG WHAT STEPH THATS US but then it was staff awww :c
More yes yes sure~ (they said this so much)
Then it was only Super Junior! Hyuk trolled them like '1-2-wait.' xD they did it without mics, they were damn loud as well!! And I think that's also where they got Wookie to do a really high pitched voice! so cute xD
Shindong was first like at the start, said it was a really good way to send off his 20 years! (like age, gonna be 30 in Korea soon I believe) 'I love you!'
Then Ryeowook asked for us to keep loving them! OF COURSE
Min said he really wanted to come to London ^-^ then to end Sungmin yelled 'I LOVE YOU' with out a microphone and it was so so so so cute and amazing how loud his voice was! WOAH <3
And Donghae had a mini speech haha:
'Sometimes you're my hero, sometimes you're my girlfriend, sometimes you're my sister, sometimes you're my baby' -insert super fangirling here- He was gonna say more but wasn't sure on how to so he had to ask Siwon! (Shisus was all 'I got your back' xD) Bless~ then we went on to say 'Without you I could never see, without you I could never hear, without you I could never have happy tears in my eyes' AWWWW even after that he wasn't sure said it right and said it again in Korean with translator. But omg Hae you got it perfect!
Kangin said he was really really happy! Thanked the fans! And especially Korean fans haha XD -excluded forever- its okay we know he loves all ELF xD
Siwon was so sweet, I've not got this word for word but he was like 'the fire is Super Junior and ELF. ELF are the stars in the beautiful night sky and Super Junior are the spark that keep the fire ablaze'  awwwww <3
And again Kyuhyun totally just absorbed all the love haha xD and said about introducing himself again xD and he said 'Do you wanna know a secret?' 'I love you' AW KYUHYUN YOUUU
Finally was Hyukkie </3 gaahh. 'Yes yes sure' HAHAHA. 'I'm so crazy. Because you.' 'Very very very beautiful, very very lovely, very very awesome. And then- me too.' I laughed so much! Then we went on in Korean and thanked as all and said how good it was. And said that we made Super Junior THE BEST (they were already the best though) and how he'll never forget this night aww.
As a special treat (especially for Exotics (Im not one but was still exciting)) Kris and Suho were there! They'd come to Europe for the EMAs and went to see SuJu's concert! They were in the audience and everything. They got them to come on stage and everyone was like OMFG xD SuJu tried to get them to do a dance to Rockstar, they so weren't expecting it! They were like 'what...' and it was so awkward and funny xD it was pretty cool to see them! Like it was extra special for London :'3
Then such such sadness the show was over ;A; Although they said they'd  come back for Super Show 6!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I really wanna stand next time!
Fan account over all that follows will be fan girl screaming and crying and non-English sounding Super Junior feels.
I MISS IT SO MUCH. I MISS THEM. Even though there was only 8 performing the stage still felt full! They were just so amazing and gorgeous and perfect and more than I thought they ever would be ;;;;;; it was the best thing in my life I swear to god and nothing will ever beat it! Hehehehehehehehe <3 <3
As you saw in my last post I was freaking depressed afterwards xD remembering it all again now writing this makes me sad and happy. I didn't think I could love SuJu more than I already did, but I was proved wrong!
I wish I could've written every single little detail but damn I would never stop typing >< there was a cute moment where Sungmin went to throw something into the audience, didn't and then pulled a face at them xD So cute! Then he actually threw it.
If anymore random moments I remember I'll write them down here~~~
Oh oh like Shake It Up! They sung that too <3 and I don't remember when it was but at one point they all started running in a big circle with their arms out behind them ahahahahaha XDD
My voice was a little croaky afterwards xD not as bad as Kydeka's though! Maybe because I'm normally so quiet I have a lot of voice to use for screaming xD I hope I didn't annoy the girl next to me, she didn't scream so much ><
You guys are all too amazing. How do you exist? Even now I can't actually believe that I saw them ;u;