Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Shallow Ah

Pretty this, pretty that. How's my make up? Clothes? Hair? Can I just check on my reflection? Quick take a selca!

Okay I've got a lot of talking to do right now xD I was gonna write a 'off load old selcas that deserve attention' post but now I'm just gonna include it in this post because posts without pictures are boring.

And sorry if I repeat some, I forget.

When my Shima wig first arrived it was so pretty xD
There really is a point to this okay lets get on with it.
Right now, I've realised how much i've changed how how I have actually become kind of shallow wtf. It's not 100% because of course if you know me, you know how I can be shy etc etc. but it is pretty key I think!
I won't go on a date with you because you are not good looking enough. - God damn I think that all the time. Its probably a teenager thing but I remember back at school and people would show a picture of their boyfriend and everyone would be like 'oh he's so cute' That's the reaction you want! If you didn't get it you failed hahaha
Who doesn't want to have a hot person next to them? I want someone I can take selcas with who will look good with me! I put so much effort into how I look, it's only fair they do as well.
I'm also way too absorbed in my own life to let somebody else in like that
(And don't say you don't think stuff like that either. People are idolised for how hot they are :3)
I love to take selca's all the time because it makes me happy! In case I forget how I look or I feel ugly that day I can have nice pictures to remind me!
Although I dropped my phone dammit. One of the cracks goes over the front camera ;n;
And taking ones without being able to see is hard. Wtf
I think saying that I like to camho isn't even news to you guys hahahaha!
I also think I've got a slight obsession. I've decided its an obsession because on multiple occasions I tell my self to stop 'famewhoring'
I think about how I can improve, catch attention without it being OTT wrong kind of attention. I want to be bigger than freaking XiaXue. I want to be known for my blog, cosplaying, selcas. And in the future maybe even fashion (news: Im considering studying fashion design) and maybe YouTube idk.
Don't get me wrong, I love doing all those things! But it's not like being an accountant where you just go ahead and do that shit, with these things you have to be known to be successful. I just happen to like something like that.
And ever since I got approached by that model scout I've started to consider it to be a realistic goal for once.
What do you think?!
'Even though I have bitchy thought's I'm actually a nice person' - motivation to keep going c:
You know when I can't see how I look I worry I look bad and then confidence leaves for a while wtf.
I still miss this hair :c
All my goals right now are very 'me' orientated. I'm trying to get my skin looking good, trying to get fit and healthy. It's damn hard let me tell you! If I told my friends/ family I was exercising they'd be like 'WHY YOU DONT NEED TO' but shut up c: I may be small but I am not fit no way!
If I can get fit then I can skilled at other things. I'm in love with K-Pop (duh duh duh) and want to be able to dance like them. One day to be able to say 'yeah, I can do that.' famewhoring
Enough selca for you?
Getting success for just blogging is not skill enough for me! I'm gonna do more and more or everything!
'Im so gorgeous what do I do' vs. 'oh my god Im never as pretty as her this sucks what now? what lengths do I need to go to?!' - Inner mind battle
Is this some kind of rebound cause of how I grew up so shy and un-me?
Who knows who knows, I sure don't.
Although I can't deny I'm having fun! If I met my old self I wouldn't like her. I would get annoyed at how closed off she was and how, she didn't realise the first step to personal happiness was look good!
Old self, you should have owned wigs and lashes

I feel I should mention that I'm sometimes still quite like that, so you don't hate me by the
time you finish this post <3

*Still a nice person
*Still gets insecure and shy about stuff
*Still the girl you see in all my posts. I'm nothing if not honest
*Still not sure on life goal. But this is what I'm thinking about right now.
I am freaking SunnyLen and I can do anything <3

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