BUT. As I said I was going to but didnt. I signed up and confirmed my email and everything, and I went to log in and it didnt let me :c didnt know my password or wharever, so I clicked the option to re-send email varification but it didnt even come wtf. I only want to use this app, let me! I swear I'll be the best blogger on there ;n;
Okay okay this post is just a little update since I havent blogged since before Expo o-o (which was great). So Expo happened and Super Show 5 happened which was the best thing ever. I'll write about it soon! I was too busy being all depressed because it was over wtf. I can handle it now~
And so l will do something which would be the sort of thing you can do on Dayre if you have it. Ifitwillletyouhaveit
Halloween was a thing that happened (nokid) and since Im lazy me and my friend just went to check out this guys house who decorates it OTT for charity. It was so amazing! Cannot believe how much effort it must've took! You may have heard of this actually because this guy got in trouble with the police because a mum rang them because the halloween decorations were too scary and made her kid cry AHAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway, this is my lazy I-dont-have-an-outfit Halloween look:
Oh and we had some chips and it was nice. I would include a picture of me and her but idk if she wants to be on my blog haha xD
Oh speaking of that very friend! Shes the one whos trying to get me to do vlogs and get youtube famous so she can marry danisnotonfire. Not all of that is strictly true. And so just for her I made a new mini mini short short video. I have a lot of feels about what I speak about (giving kpop stars some space) which is in my blog somewhere so didnt say again!
I want to link to my video but does blogger app let me? No it does not. So instead youll have to click on the link at the side to get to my channel -__- I'll link the video in a later post!
From one holiday to the next, work wanted me to decorate a christmas tree for display- OMG WAIT I DIDNT TELL YOU GUYS. I got my old jobs back :'3 people are so nice awwwww. Okay back to the tree:
Haha it looks so bad XD dont ever ask me again
Another happening is that I tried to grow my fringe out! It was only really gone in this time I wasnt blogging wtf. I wanted to be able to have more diverse hairstyle but my fringe hair just did not stay at the sides D-D so a couple of days ago I welcomed the fringe <3
It was fun though! I got used to the fact I suit non-fringe I guess and I also got to look after my eyebrows haha xD its exciting cause Ive been getting my straight fuller brows again that I had to pluck before Expo ><
Bye eyebrows hello fringe!
And finally I really should sleep. I havent been sleeping properly since Expo omg (my own fault) so Ive been super tired for soooo long (even writing this because Im not sleeping)
Good night~ ^o^
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