(T-ARAs Day by Day is really good too, and so is Hangengs new song...and LED Apples~)
Today, I smiled at every person I walked past, and hardly anyone smiled back- I got that kind of 'wtf are you' look, or the awkward smile and look at the ground thing.
Does this look like the face of a teenager who is about to beat you up? What is wrong with people these days. Were we raised to be socially awkward?
At least one guy smiled first.
Now onto stuff. Since posting the blog about confidence and appearance and such, I had a big discussion with my friend- and it really did turn out that I was not alone in these thoughts, that she too wants to be pretty (Omg she totally is already, damn her!). Another darling friend told me I was beautiful many times and could be a model (who knows if that will ever happen), but I really felt like I was going to explode with happiness- my heart was so full, like it would burst :')
And that very friend had this on her Facebook.
Here are a couple of things I have saved on my laptop <3
They are just too sweet.
And in life when cows come along:
Exactly stick peron, exactly.
Part 2 Apparently.
On another note, I've been thinking about things we have in life, for example family, friendship, having a job, living in a place where you can have internet and access anything you want.
And how people really don't value these things.
Family, people say- oh my family are so boring, they don't get me at all. Well at least you have a family- where is your gratitude? I love my family, in a lot of places they are falling apart and being stuck back together- my parents aren't even married but I am so grateful for everyone, my new family and old, glad they are there for me and love me. And I love them~
Also my mum and her partner bought me this bag back from Brighton (a great place <3) I was so excited and happy! Gotta love Miku :)
Friendship, friends are so freaking special, I love the ones I have to bits, always have, always will. Everyone should understand how important friends are, sure you might argue, but like I said, you love them and I'm sure they love you too. However, friendship isn't something that can be handed to you on a plate, that'd be far too easy- you need to work at them. If you have disagreements, sort them out, become a better person. And then everyone will be happy.
I can hardly express in words how important my friends are to me, when I sit and think about it I get so crazily happy, its overwhelming. I love you. I don't want to ever ever lose any of you, or have less of a friendship with you than I do now. You are all so brilliant I could cry.
Always be thankful for your friends.
Jobs, people complain about going to work all the time. In the morning, I see people looking miserable. But why? You're all going to get money right? Isn't it great?! Maybe you hate your job- but at least you have a job be thankful already. I didn't like going to school so much but I was glad for the chance to, unlike some people in the world. (Hense why I am doing charity stuff with Oxfam- they are great guys!)
Government, in this country- all you ever hear is people ranting and bitching about the government and how they suck and pick on the lower class and are stealing everyones money, it gets boring. Do you ever do something about it? Campaign? Vote for a party you support? Or do you just complain? ARGH.
Personally, I don't support any party, because I haven't found one that suits me- but then again I don't complain (okay maybe I did complain about how backwards the Tories were and how spineless the LibDems were but other than that), it is still possible to live your lives. Get over it, or do something about it. At least you don't live under the rule of some Hitler type guy.
We are all so lucky to have what we have, so be happy, and I believe more happiness will come to you.
Be sad and well, you'll get crap. I've seen it happen, some friends who get depressed and one problem leads to another and another, because they do not help themselves.
Happy is key :D
This was a long post...
p.p.s Oh my gosh this is spooky- I just published this, checked facebook, and the page Love just posted this picture:
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