Saturday, 16 February 2013

Dear Sunny...

Do you ever feel like one of those people who write those 'help me' sections in magazines?

Okay before I complain too much, I admit it is partially my fault. When I was younger I was super sweet and nice to everyooneee~ and I wanted to help, I was all, hey come to me, tell dear little me, I'll help you with your problems. And so all these poor sad people would talk to me and I'd help them! After a while I noticed that a lot of people with problems, always have problems.

As I got older I became more open about myself and my confidence and such, and became less tolerant of stuff, not a mean way, in a I actually need to start thinking of myself way, because I was stupidly selfless.

I remember one point during my school years, someone elses problems had gotten to me so much that I was unhappy myself! I lost out on sleep and felt ill a lot of the time, because I couldn't deal with it, I was just there, waiting to hear that they've tried to kill themselves or something. Even my friends thought it was ridiculous- this person had no right to dump it all down on other people,it wasn't fair.

Somehow these whiny people didn't get the hint that I wasn't bothered any more.

Of course, if one of my close friends or family has a problem, I will help them! But some people seem to have problems 24/7. I don't get it, how can you be miserable all the time? And why is it my problem? I'm trying to be happy you know!

I find that some people will message me just complaining about something- like they're expecting me to do something- but really the words they're looking for are help me. Can't you ask for help? Instead of just throwing at me why don't you admit that you need somebody to help you? I am not your Agony Aunt.

Okay some people have serious problems, and they're actually depressed, but after such a long time I don't have room to be more sympathetic to them than I would be to anyone else with a problem. If theres such a big thing, go and get a professional to help you and start helping yourself, I don't know what you expect me to do. You can only get better if you do something, not somebody else.

Relationship problems? I'm not a counselor. It's not like I even know what I'm talking about :D I've never had a long term relationship. You'd think with constant problems people would clock that something is wrong, but they don't. So it's back to me- who can apparently help!

If you come to me for help like that, you're not not going to get kind words of support, I'd much rather bluntly tell you what you're doing wrong, how ridiculous you're being and tell you to get over it. Because that is honest. In the long run- that is exactly what you have to do. Yeah, it's fine to be sad about stuff, but at the end of the day you just have to move on.

Back in August I made a post about people whining all the time, on Facebook and such. But this is completely different (although that totally still annoys me...and amuses me at the same time.) Because instead of moaning at the internet, they moan at me.

Although admittedly I give damn good advice.

Haha another thought! When people go on about little problems, that happen to them during the day. Example:

'Just waiting at the train station to get the train but of course, without pre-warning, the train didn't come. The people at the station didn't tell us, I was waiting on the platform for like an hour, it was so cold oh my god, I was like- at least do a bus service! It's not like I had anywhere to go or anything, I'm gonna right and complain- like fyi, I don't appreciate being held up by your trains.' -Not Actually A Quote.
You know the sort. Then these people, they will tell you, they will tell everyone in their family, they will tell their friends, they will tell their friends more than once, they will tell the internet (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) over several days. Even sometime later- if the chance arises, talk about it again! Most people would have gotten over something like that the same day -__- In those cases, I really really don't care.

I'm just going to go ahead and kick miserable people out of my life, I need to concentrate on myself and my happiness. People say you need to surround yourself with happy people to be happy, so I'm going to go ahead and do just that.

Thank you my friends, who are actually happy most of the time, I love you <3

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