Thursday, 28 February 2013

What The Smoke-

If you get offended faster than Usain Bolt runs 100 metres, please leave now :3

Okay probably shouldn't get that offended but whatever~ I've warned you

A stupid amount of people smoke around here- I'm not even kidding when I say you can't walk down the high street without breathing in someone elses smoke, normally it's more than one person- it's like this towns favourite hobby or something. It's gross -__-

Okay I know it's a life style choice, you're free to do what you want to yourself, I know I don't look after my body as much as I should (it's not my fault unhealthy food is nice) but it's when your bad habit affects other people- that's when it's a problem.

I don't want to breathe in your cancer thank you very much. Please don't stand and smoke where I'm standing- can't you just stay in your own home and do it?!  I suppose I could simply hold my breath when I walk past, it isn't really that hard- but why should I? You should take your death sticks somewhere else, it's not fair that I have to change my breathing because you've got some crappy habit. I'd rather cough on purpose to make you feel uncomfortable or something. 

I wish there were little boxes smokers had to stand in so they could breathe in the smoke and not bug people who want to keep their lungs clear of all that stuff. Smokers like smoke so they should have no problem with that right?

I feel sorry for kids, if their parent smokes, they really can't avoid it! Good job not letting your kid smoke themselves (what are the odds they're going to do it themselves one day) but you're going to harm them by smoking around them anyway! Especially since they're so young :c Can't you be even a little a bit considerate? Kids, old people or even just people inbetween who are going about their smoking free life- we deserve nice air.

It also looks bad- you could see someone standing outside where they work, smoking, it makes me not want to buy from them, especially if they're working with food! Having that cigarette smell everywhere, and all the rubbish that goes with it. If you have to talk to them you'll get all that smell back in your face. Ew ew ew ew.

And then what to 99% of smokers do when they're done? Just throw it on the floor. Wtf. You know littering is actually a crime? Is it really so hard for you to put it out properly and throw it away? You know in this day and age there are special bins just for your disgusting cigarettes :D use them! It's almost like you thought just to end of your damaging yourself and other thing by hurting the environment a bit more. -___-

Also know why you shouldn't smoke? It kills you. Want to die? Just do it quickly and stop screwing up other peoples clean air and health. Even on the packets it tells you that smoking kills, didn't you get the message yet? Not everyone that smokes is a bad person (bad choice doesn't mean bad person) so I wish that I could just scare everyone out of smoking, since the warnings we have don't seem to be enough. In school I learnt about what smoking does to your body and man it is not nice, ruins your teeth, lungs (you know those things you use to breathe), I swear it can even ruin hair, fingernails, everything! If you knew all that would you still do it?

If you're smoking because of stress- okay too bad for your stress but please use a different method! I'm sure there isn't a single non-smoker who enjoys breathing in your smoke. I sure don't.

I don't want you to die because of something stupid like this. (Especially my loved ones you idiots)

Hey government how about a law that bans smoking everywhere that isn't in someones own property? Then we can breathe some good air. Thank you.

///Rant over.

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