Saturday, 20 April 2013

London Two Point Oh

I went to London! Because, you know, London's great.

Although I went because I wanted to buy an outfit for (Miku) cosplay- I was hideously unsuccessful D; I have no idea where I'm going to get it from now, but oh well! I bought other things instead <3

Oh and met with my friend Ray (who I'm sure won't care that I mentioned him >> or that I'm about to post a picture)
Ta-da c: Right then, my head hurt so much. You can totally tell XD
Now I can actually write about my day ^-^ so because he had to travel like 3 hours, we met at 1pm at Kings Cross (he didn't even know that there was a whole Platform 9 3/4's thing!). Although while I was waiting I went to the new shop and bought...
I'm going to Hogwarts bishes! See you never! <3 ahahahaha
I got one for my friend too, she better like it ^-^ who needs real life.
Oh and also at the station I went to the bathroom (intimate lol) which, you have to pay for! How lame is that? So yeah there I was about to go in and the machine didn't accept my damn 5p coins, so I went to let some other guy go first but he just gave me one of his 10p coins! And wouldn't accept the two 5p's I had! Wha! What a random act of kindness <3 thank you stranger ^-^
So we met, and went to Camden and he was fasinated! This guy I swear, has not been anywhere in London xD (I felt like a tour guide) it is a pretty cool place I have to say, but I didn't buy anything there :c so disapoint.
Then we had a super classy lunch at Burger King and I decided on going to Tokyo Toys, just because I love that place! And again somebody hadn't heard of it, or seen the big screen thing at Picadilly! What?!
I bought a new phone case! Rilakkuma <3 (too lazy to un-mirror the image) Pikachu has been replaced!
Then it was onwards to China Town! Which I still don't know where anything is >> and this is where I had my first ever bubble tea ever! 
It was actually really nice! Ray knew a bit more about it than me. So hearing that it would be nice was a good enough excuse for me~
It took ages for me to decide but I got Caramel Milk Tea (with yoghurt topping)
It was strange to drink something that tasted a bit like tea, but cold xD Still super nice though! I would want the flavour to be stronger and less watery- but thats where the 'tea' bit comes from I suppose. I don't even know what bubble tea is ^ ^'
I HAD SO MANY BUBBLES Ray had hardly any ahahaha

Look at the lid! So cute! Even with some random German xD
After finishing yummy drink of yummy, we started wondering around China Town. And came across (well I did really, I don't think he was too enthusastic >>) a really really cute little markety shop place! I hope I'll be able to find it again;;
Just look at this stuff!
I got a super cute turtle <3 What should I name it?!
These- are rings! There was so much cute cake/ sweets stuff. I really wanted to buy everything;;
Rilakkuma squishy bread necklace! I didn't care about squishie's, but now I have one I am in love! Aww ;u;
The background is the bag they came in. Keeping it.
I know I don't look very smiley in this photo but I'm not taking another one TT
My new stuff! <3
Thats new nail varnish I'm wearing too, bought it the day three.
Yes, pink <3
We also got a 10% voucher from some Japanese restaurant! If we hadn't already eaten, omg would have eaten there straight away. It looked so good!
Another thing I got was the latest Blue Exorcist manga from Forbidden Planet <3 I was telling him about it before and said I had no idea where it was or how to get there, but! On our way to Covent Garden (walking) we passed it. I'm so happy we found it by mistake :D I'm totally saving the plastic bag from there that I didn't need.
By the time we got to Covent Garden, saw some strange dude (he was like, sitting on nothing wtf it was so strange xD) I had an awful headache (remember the picture at the start) and it was pretty much time for Ray to go~
So we camho'd and battled the extreme rush hour and said goodbye :ccc Ah I had such a good day ^-^  It was super nice seeing Ray!
ven though the journey home was utterly crap because of so many people and headache and train getting stuck and bleh (how to people manage to do it every day? Poor things.) It was still a great day :D
In the end I went to bed at half 9 ':3

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Showing Off and Damn Thieves

I might have written the title in that order but I'm going to write this post the other way around. Okay? Good.

Time to start talking about my dramatic-ass day. Ohmygod.

So there I was, being at work, as I do, working. And there is just me behind the till serving customers, it's super busy, I needed more hands or something.

At this time my co-worker was showing another customer something about mattress covers so she couldn't come and help.

And I briefly saw that particular customer who she was helping (I remember him because he was wearing a hat) leave the store with something that I didn't think he had when he came in. wtf.

But! I wasn't really sure because I had been super busy at the time. So once the queue was gone and such I asked my co-worker if he had come in with anything, and he hadn't. I felt awful.

This guy had stollen something and it was my fault;; I couldn't call my boss at the time because he had the damn phone. So I spoke to him afterwards and apparently there was nothing I could have done anyway- unless one of the bosses see it they can't do anything! What sort of rule is that? (Apparently we aren't even allowed to confront them, especially not until they've actually left the shop.)

But yeah I felt really really awful about it :c good old boss tells me just to get over it, there really wasn't anything I could have done.

So I continue with my day (this was midmorningish) and yeah I kind of got over it. But then, late afternoon when there was a lot less customers and there was just one other co-worker there and our boss, there was another thief.

Oh my god why. I have never ever encountered a thief before! And suddenly it happens twice in one day;; I was at the till again doing stuff and chatting with my co-worker, and over his shoulder I see someone at the drinks fridge wearing a black hoodie, I thought nothing of it. And so that guy left the store and I quickly glance and he has something in his hands. I froze.

I just STARED. It was stupid. And I started panicking like 'I think that guy just took something I don't know what. I'm not sure. Oh my god.'

So my co-worker went out to see if he could find him but he couldn't.

My boss was actually downstairs at the time too so I started explaining (not very calmly) what just happened to him. And again, nothing I could have done. OTHER THAN REACTED FASTER. He didn't say that part, that was just me.

I felt a whole lot worse than I did the first time, especially because I was more sure that he had stollen something.

I honestly kept freaking out after that, I don't know why, I felt guilty I suppose, and stressed out and just completely put out by the whole thing. I kept on pacing around the shop just like oh my god this isn't fair.

Thankfully my boss was like 'Want to go and take 5 minutes for yourself?' (we all get along quite well ^.^) so I did. I sat (made them tea and coffee because Im nice) and thought and got all unhappy about it for a while. Seriously I thought I was gonna cry or something wtf. And then came back downstairs to work.

For the last hour of the day I was pretty on edge, I was watching every customer, especially when they went out the door. Gah. I still feel bad now D:

I could have stopped those thefts from happening;;;

Anyway on a happier note, because I need cheering up from my crappy day. I got my new Miku wig yesterday! I love it so much <3

Now heres a ton of pictures that I took!

It's so long! <3 All I have to do is move and it knots up~ but omg the girliness of it! I want long hair. Now.

Pull a random expression and camho.

This filter = love

All these pictures are kind of love tbh. Being Miku is AWESOME

I think what I was wearing worked quite well for casual Miku, cause you know, she wears grey.

And heres what the new lenses look like! It's actually all diamondy pattern <3 which is totally gorgeous. I wish my eyes weren't so dark so you could see it better from further away~ I'm glad I have these because my old (smaller, not as cool) blue lenses were nearly expired and one of them had actually dried out and shrunk ahahahaha oops.

And finally the last (and my favourite) picture <3
I must cut this wig.
Now thats a much better thing to end on that my drama day of dramaness. Cosplay makes everything better~ c:

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Not More Cosplay

Of course I still cosplay with the one and only Kydeka! Never serious. Ever. We actually need to do a photoshoot or something >> (not because thats another excuse to be infront of a camera.)

I've got 3 folders on my computer named 'derping' filled with 100s of well, derp cosplay photos.


This is 'Derping 3' (narrowed down from like 130 photos)

First up! Kingdom Hearts cosplay, omg what. Our FIRST <3 bawww, okay not for me because I cosplayed my make-shift Xion, because I'm a terrible Axel xD Although I looked bad in 90% of the photos ^ ^ and Kydeka as Roxas looked amazing its totally unfair!

I took myself out of it xD Dammit y u look so good?!

I guess black isn't my colour xD too much dark. too much.
And thats all.
Next up is sort of SSBB (Super Smash Brothers Brawl) which we cosplayed for Expo back in October 2011~ and even though it was a really long time ago I haven't fixed it yet, so no shoes, no wings ;A;
Me as Pit (Kid Icarus) and Kydeka as Ike (Fire Emblem)
Just pretend I have wings okay?
Oh I fogot! Todays 'famous location' isn't my door, it's Kydeka's wardrobe! ooooo

Ikey looks so happy! ^o^ I swear I would look cute if the lighting didn't make my face look evil ahaha xD
Omg I almost forgot! Before/after taking these photos I camho'd on my phone...yeah. So for now, here are the few I took as Pit!
Waahhh I loved being Pit again! Only got to cosplay him once :c

Probably should have taken them in the light D-D
Then Kydeka stole my little badge thing and turned into make-shift Marth (who is a total royal brat or something)

Ehehe after this one Kydeka was like 'it looks like I'm checking you out' xD While I'm accidently being a super poser what.

I LOVE THIS! We (well...Kydeka) looks like a Mafia boss, while I'm stuck looking like a failed gangster or something xD

And the final one! Showing their true characters <3
Next we changed into Kaito and Len, although this is another case of Kydeka looking amazing in like every photo, and me just not wtf;; so heres one.
Although it is a damn good photo <3
Okay one plus camhos~

Her bathroom has beautiful lighting >>
Next up is a tiny bit of Phantom (which was from last expo <3) although not many photos :c

In fact, heres Kydeka as Zwei looking ay-may-zing!
And just so I don't feel left out of the Phantom feels, heres me <3

Time for a little bit of Blue Exorcist! Although we've cosplayed them so much derpingly already xD
CHECK OUT MY FLOWERY JEANS *o* who needs to change~
Shima = gay.
Yeah that'll do. I look derp but I'm too lazy to edit myself out >> just look at my cousins beautiful face, kthx
And one glorious camho to end the post  ^ ^ (I actually took a lot more as Shima but lets just leave it here D-D)
Now I'm just going to sit and be super excited for Expo (nextmonth!) and actually buy some cosplay to wear for it~~~

Friday, 12 April 2013


Everybodies' doing Gwiyomi at the moment! It's an adorable little song with a sort of dance by Hari (I think) but anyway heres the song if somehow, you don't know it.

When I say eveyone's doing it, I mean it *o* biaswreaker Sungmin has done it a few times, even a sexy one, omg, I died. So so many K-Pop people! It's just so cute akdsfjkdjgkdjk. Even Bubzbeauty uploaded one~

So I felt left out, I want to do super cute Gwiyomi too D; I listen to the song like ten thousand times every day or something >> (even listening to it right now wtf)

Although because there is no way ever ever of getting me in front of a video camera like this (even though I've stupidly agreed to do a vlog (thats never going to happen)), I did pictures instead ^ ^;

Get ready for some forced aegyo!

1 + 1 =

2 + 2 =
3 + 3 =
4 + 4 =

5 + 5 =

6 + 6 =


Ahaaaa I'm done, bye bye <3

p.s. Well that was awkward, oh well at least I can say I've done it now :D

p.p.s HELLO CANADA (seriously a ton of views all of a sudden from Canada omg)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Being ELF - My Super Junior Story

I'm not a crazy fangirl- I'm honestly in love with 15 amazing boys who don't know I exist.

Warning: If you're anything like me some parts of this post will make you bang your head into a table and wait for me to get a grip. But if thats also the case you have no idea about fandoms so get out T^T

I was first shown Super Junior around spring time in 2011, I fell in love instantly! The first video I was shown was It's You and I couldn't even work out how many members there were and I couldn't even tell them apart but I loved it! So. Much. At the same time I was shown a couple more MVs and my love for KPop started! <3

I first learnt about Kyuhyun- since he is my cousins bias (who was the one who told me about SuJu in the first place) but apparently he couldn't be my bias because he was hers. So she showed my Heechul (she knows my love for pretty boys too well >>) and there goes my ultimate love for mr Kim Heechul ;u;

Look at him he's so perfect omg marry me what.
;;;;; <3
Anyway from that point on I was obsessed. I fell in love more and more every day, watching music videos, shows they were on, random clips, reading/ writing fanfictions, everything! All for Super Junior~
I got into other groups as well (I already knew about SNSD and Wonder Girls), but I didn't fall for them like I fell for Super Junior. The only group thats come close is NU'EST and possibly 2NE1, but they can't beat it!
I love all of them for different reasons, some of them are charming, funny, cute, sarcastic, they are everything. I know they're not perfect- I mean who is? Nobody can actually be perfect, but they're close enough!
It didn't take long for me to learn all about them <3
I found that nothing made me as happy as they did. I realised that I had never cried of happiness until I found Super Junior, I can't imagine my life without them now!

If I'm unhappy I can easily watch one of their videos or listen to their music and I'm okay again! It's like an instant cure, I know that they helped me at a point last year, and I'm so grateful for their existance for it <3 They make me smile, laugh, dance around, be excited. Seriously just every good emotion I feel because of these boys!

I'm so proud to be an ELF ^-^
Even though they made me so happy I found that they also made me sad. Bad things that happen to them can really break my heart, as if they were my friends. Like when Hangeng left- Heechul crying on stage really was awful to watch :c and Donghae's father dying, another heartbreak. Kyuhyun almost dying because of the car accident, more heart break.
And a constant one that will last for years is when they leave for military service. Soon Jongwoon (Yesung) will be going for two years :c It won't be so hard when hes gone, Im managing to last through Heechul's and Teukie's leave just fine (eventually) but still!

Every now and then I wish I wasn't an ELF because being so in love can hurt. But honestly I wouldn't change it for the world.

It's probably hard to understand, especially if you've been part of a fandom before, especially one filled with so much love, but I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who thinks like this c:

A lot of ELF really love SuJu, like SuJu love ELF <3 their happiness is our happiness~

I don't really understand just how I love them so much, or why their personalities appealed to me so much, it just sort of happened.

I think they're perfect.

I want to make sure that they're always happy and laughing and doing what they love. I don't want people to hurt them or make them look bad. I hate anti-fans. I hate people who claim to be ELF when they don't love all 15, they say '13 only' or '10 only'. Who do you think you are? You're not allowed to call yourself ELF when you act this way, none of the members want horrible 'fans' like you TT go away.

I'm so rubbish at explaining myself! But there was my attempt xD maybe my non-kpop friends will understand me now >> but then again maybe not.

Okay I'll shut up now. I'll probably edit this at some point. I was having a feels over load and just shoved everything onto the computer without even thinking about it XD pfffft.

Peace out yo.