Friday, 12 April 2013


Everybodies' doing Gwiyomi at the moment! It's an adorable little song with a sort of dance by Hari (I think) but anyway heres the song if somehow, you don't know it.

When I say eveyone's doing it, I mean it *o* biaswreaker Sungmin has done it a few times, even a sexy one, omg, I died. So so many K-Pop people! It's just so cute akdsfjkdjgkdjk. Even Bubzbeauty uploaded one~

So I felt left out, I want to do super cute Gwiyomi too D; I listen to the song like ten thousand times every day or something >> (even listening to it right now wtf)

Although because there is no way ever ever of getting me in front of a video camera like this (even though I've stupidly agreed to do a vlog (thats never going to happen)), I did pictures instead ^ ^;

Get ready for some forced aegyo!

1 + 1 =

2 + 2 =
3 + 3 =
4 + 4 =

5 + 5 =

6 + 6 =


Ahaaaa I'm done, bye bye <3

p.s. Well that was awkward, oh well at least I can say I've done it now :D

p.p.s HELLO CANADA (seriously a ton of views all of a sudden from Canada omg)