Monday, 20 January 2014

My Bad Day

This morning I got woken up with the news that some twat had driven into the back of my car and then driven off.

Good start to the week.

I believe my reaction was 'are you fucking serious?' going outside and then crying. a lot.

It had been shoved forwards several feet and was now at an angle I had not left it at. It had been parked, perfectly, outside my house.


There was glass all over the road from where the rear lights on the passenger side got smashed up. Other random debris from my car were there too. The quarter of the back right side of the car, totally screwed up. I can't drive it.

Bits were out of place, somehow even underneath the car had been pushed up. So so so bad and I didn't even see the full extent, open the boot and apparently its worse.

One part of my car actually just lifted off. You broke it.

How on earth could you be so heartless?! Spineless pathetic moron. You know what I have of yours? Part of your bumper. And so I know you car is a Ford. and you must be local to have been driving down this non-main road early in the morning.

Oh and of course! With the shit you did to my car, the front of yours can't be looking to good either.

You have a big car, 4x4. cause of where you managed to damage mine.

The police won't find you because apparently it's not their job even though you're a fucking criminal. Yeah. its a crime to drive off. REPORT IT YOU WEAK EXCUSE FOR A PERSON.

Dammit police. Isn't it your job to catch criminals? Look here I'll do some of the work for you. You know where it happened. Got the type of car, know its a big one, know the route they take, know where its damaged. Check CCTV footage. Keep tabs on local repair services and see if anyone has damage like that. GOD IT IS NOT THAT DIFFICULT

But I will find you. And I will smack you round the head with the piece of car you left behind.

Apparently you have 10 days to report that you're a total dick who smashed the back of a young persons car.

A car that I'd only had since October. My first car. You shit.

What if I'd been in it?! Would you have driven off then?

Everybody local, heck, everyone in Hertfordshire. Everyone in freaking East Anglia look for a slightly mushed up big Ford car, with part of bumper missing. passenger side should've taken the damage there. With a driver that looks like an asshole.

And then tell me. Tell police. Take their number plate. Get them in deep shit for what they did. I WOULDN'T BE SO PISSED IF YOU HAD NOT RUN OFF.

Dear asshole driver,

I hope you feel guilty about this every second of every day for the rest of your life.

I hope your family and friends and co-workers know that you failed as person for being so immoral.

I hope your car is fucking damaged and nobody will fix it because they know you're a moron.

Do you have kids? What would you do if this happened to them!? Would you want the driver to fucking drive off? No. You wouldn't.

And you know what. My car is old okay. The insurance company would write it off.




Although no. I am going to pay a lot of my own hard earned money to get it fixed. Dammit what person my age has that kind of money to spare?!

You know I was saving to visit my friend at uni. saving to visit friends in London. conventions. saving to go to Japan. saving to pay my dad back for the car in the first place which you just wrecked.

I could deal with the crazy amount of money its gonna cost to fix it. I can deal with getting the bus to work (more expense) and walking also. I can deal with being emotional all freaking day, crying, being angry, etc. But I can't deal with the fact that you drove off.

Karma is going to bite you so hard.

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