Friday, 3 January 2014

New Years Resolutions!

I normally say 'get healthy' or whatever rubbish but of course I never do hahahaha. Who actually can keep that one?!

So this year I've decided to make some proper ones and actually write them down. Cause if the internet knows then I kind of have to stick to it.

1. Get more confident! Like don't be worried to even speak up in a group conversation amongst people you don't know well, and don't freaking by shy of ordering in a restaurant or asking stuff wtf xD Confidence to the level of 100% never worry about how I'm coming across.

2. Be more honest. I gotta stop saying different things because I don't like how what I was going to say came across. When I rant about stuff I often freaking back track and make an excuse as to cover myself but it's stupid xD I should just be straight forward and honest...and not twist truth to make people feel better.

3. Don't be such a bitch. This follows on quite well from the previous one. Even if I just start from how I talk, and then move on to how I think. I'll be typing something to a friend and I think 'wait that's really bitchy' and then I send it anyway. And I often catch myself thinking something horrible about someone for no reason and am like- woah, dude! Must be nicer. Must. Honest but not mean.

4. Complain less! I totally take things for granted and it needs to stop TT I really gotta be more positive! Going to change negative thoughts into positive ones~

5. Really strive to achieve and stuff I looveee. Like put more effort into learning Korean and Japanese and do more clothes design and blog more and work harder at doing make up and at cosplay. Basically just work harder and freaking achieve <3

6. Really improve myself as a whole! Not gonna set anything unrealistic but just try not to eat badly all the time and make sure I take care of myself and get more pretty too hahaha that sounds weird but whatever.

I planned these already but now I've written them it sounds strange. Bleh. Deal with. Love.

Good luck me!

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