Friday, 22 March 2013


So one of the girls I used to go to school with has decided to go through March without wearing any make up. She is so brave *o* (although being damn pretty already kind of helps). And after seeing 17 days of bare-faced pictures on Facebook I decided- I can do this too.

Although only for a few days c: because I can't do that for an entire month.

So I came up with some reasons why I should (behold a very short list):
-Incase you have forgotten my skin is pretty crappy and wearing all this makeup (mainly foundation) doesn't help it in the slightest, so what better way to let my skin breathe and heal itself :D 
-Being comfortable in public without makeup would be a major confidence boost! Since I haven't done that in years. Freaking years. How?!
End of list c: 

So here comes Day 1, I was at home all day anyway so it's not like that was hard for me, I wouldn't be wearing any anyway xD

(theres no chance the following photos are taken without a filter on. bish please- nobody needs to see how my skin really looks >3)

Lalala~ at least I did my hair before taking this. Normally monday hair is just MESS.
On Monday night I was awake for ages thinking that theres no way I'm actually going to do this, there is no way I will go outside, in public, without makeup on. Nope. In the end I made a deal with myself- I can wear a bit of foundation just under my eyes so I don't look dead. And so I did c:
And went outside and spent the whole time thinking 'ohmygod Im ugly. People are staring at me because Im hideous. Why did I do this. All my makeup is at home. What do I do. help. I need to hide. Theyre staring. helphelphelp.' and I didn't even stop thinking like that when I went to Japanese class later xc When I said I hadn't gone without in years, I wasn't exaggerating.
Me. Before Japanese. (because what I was wearing matters idk >> Hello Kitty hat people.)
It felt so sucky D; we had a Japanese exchange come in from the local school and I was sitting there like- Im not good at Japanese so I can't impress her there, and I look crap today. So boom goes my good impression.
I hadn't felt self conscious like that in a long time :c
Why is this so hard?!
Anyway here comes Wednesday and I was determined to keep it up! (selcas help. Its like- hey its not as bad as you think).
See? I make sure I take good selcas <3
I was obviously bored when editing this >>
I did the sneaky wearing foundation again but it had totally worn off by the end of the day xD so I was at work all day and I didn't feel as bad as I did the day before c: but still total self conscious wtf wtf.
But then I realised- the only person that cares about me not wearing make up is me. Nobody said anything about it, made any move to say that they noticed. It was all just me beating myself up, just like I used to.
So on Thursday I didn't wear any make up at all :3 -proud-

I'm so lazy I took selcas before-after doing my hair XD 
 And here comes last day Friday and I bigasscheated and wore obvious make up ^ ^' but but I have a reason~ I had my driving test. So I either wanted to have pretty I Just Passed My Driving Test photos or look glamorous in defeat c:

Turns out I just had to do a glamorous defeat because I failed XD but only just! I got a major fault for hesitation- but really its better to wait a bit instead of flying out into traffic right? right?! Wtf test dude D; Other than that I actually did really well! omg my bank account hurts. Its so expensive. Oh well give me 2 weeks and I'll try again :3

I got over it anyway- after spending like an hour in bed sulking about it x3
Moody. Like a teenager.
Anyway since this morning  when I put on le makeup I remembered how much I love it and how much I miss it and how pretty make up is wtf <3 I have a picture :D
Makeup I missed you

From now on I think I'll be able to wear less make up c: well less foundation anyway xD even today (happens to Friday) I wore 1/3 less than I used to :D and I will totally appreciate it more and realise that I can get away with not wearing make up. I might even go days were I only bother with a little or nothing.
Although a lot of the time I'll just wear it anyway because it's fun <3
Ah so who would've known- it did help my confidence after all ^o^

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