Thursday, 16 May 2013

A Hair Raising Adventure

But not really I just wanted a hair pun for the title and that's the best I came up with wtf

I dyed my hair again! I was finally so bored of having the same hair colour for so long I needed to change.

This is the first time actually blogging about my hair specifically (because my hair is not really that interesting, too short, too boring), so, I'm gonna show what my hair has been since I started blogging! Ooooo~

(Internet Explorer updated and now it's underlining all my words as spelling mistakes, omg go away.)

In no particular order because I don't even remember.

First, this is my natural hair colour. Omg this is was back when I was 15 o-o
When it grows back through it looks like I'm going grey. Thank you hair. I love you too.
This is a picture from my...second blog post? I think it was my second. Where my hair was just left over from being red for prom xD
Lightness was next I think. Damn I really am just grabbing camho's from anywhere xD

And at Christmas I went dark purple brown *o* which was actually an awesome colour and why didn't I realise that at the time?!

Then turned into brown with blonde at the end, which was the hair I had until just two days ago!
So finally is my most recent change! Something new for summer! Or in England's case, ''Summer''
Say good-bye to brown hair!
Now waiting for it to work its magic~
Yes I am wearing a pyjama top and a towel. #fashion
And because I tried doing it myself it didn't go down too well. (It could have been worse) so then my dad re-did it the next day! And here we have it!
Hiiii light hair <3

It really is pretty bright.
I love it though, I was fed up of having dark hair D: I missed my ginger~ next I'd love to go proper blonde *o*
I think I ordered that pretty well actually.
Hair, please don't fall out <3
I swear I'll actually write something soon~

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