Friday, 31 May 2013

Get Your Gay-On

Okay I know I need to write about Expo weekend and other stuff but then I'd have to put my pictures on my laptop and that's too much effort rn.  Want to rant please.

If you aren't British you probably have no idea about wtf this is about. Hope you know who David Cameron is first! (Prime Minister)

I used to not like David Cameron, I mean he's not just a Conservative, he is the leader of Conservatives. Ew no. So backwards and crappy. But now! I seem to have a new found mood towards him.

Since he's only gone ahead and decided that gay marriage is okay! :D

You beautiful man!

He even said this: ''I don't support gay marriage in spite of being a conservative. I support gay marriage because I am a conservative.' how great is that? He's even pushing them to support him, because apparently that's what conservatives believe in now c:

Right now in the UK, gay (I use that as an umbrella term for LGBT+) people can go through a civil ceremony, which is pretty much the same thing as getting married but it's not the same. So yay for new equality!

But of course, of course a lot of sour bitches didn't think this was okay. wtf. What year do you think this is?! Oh my god get over yourselves.

How is this such a big deal? It's not okay to be a homophobic twat anymore.

This guy, Colin Hart who is the campaign director for the Coalition For Marriage or something disagrees and is all 'he said he'd protect the church.' Because David Cameron, like the guy he is, said that gay weddings can be held in a church!

Well damn Mr Colin Hart, I don't think it's okay to protect such a hateful thing. It's not okay for the church to hate on gay people, not okay at all. We can't be racist or sexist or anything, so why can the church? You should be celebrating that they're being kicked out of their backwards ways! What is wrong with you eh?

What's wrong with all these protesters? -___- saying marriage is just for a man and a woman. No it is not.

Shut up. Grow up.

So David Cameron, good luck in fighting against the large amount of people in your party who are being cows about this. Fire them or something :D I can't wait for you to decide on something else that's forwards and right!

Now hurry up and pass the law so everyone who deserves it can be happy. (Homophobic people don't deserve such things.)

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