Saturday 28 September 2013

London MCM Expo- Friday!

Finally finally I blog about Expo.


So let's start with Friday of course. I'm sorry this took so long

Since for the first time we stayed in a hotel it meant getting ready for the Friday cosplay at home aaalllll byyy myyyy seellff which was kind of lame but at least I didn't have to worry about mirror hogging c:

Or camera hogging ;3

Incase you couldn't tell, the cosplay for Friday was Renzo Shima - Blue Exorcist
All packed and ready to go ^o^ I should have just used a bigger case >>

I think this was at the train station c: in the little shelter because it was raining what!

My traveling crew! Chris, Charlotte, Sezen. Somehow I think I stuck out quite a lot xD

On the train on the train!
So finally we arrive at the Excel centre <3 home away from home! It was just so great to see cosplayers! Then we had to wait to meet up with Kydeka and the others who were part of our hotel group, because they had the important stuff (like what the hotel even was) so we could go and check in!
I'd only met a couple of them before so I was kind of nervous haha, but actually everybody was so nice and I miss them already ;^; I hope to see you guys next month (next month! omg)

Kydeka and Rachel as we waited to check in c: We were all just drying off, it was really raining on our way to the hotel ><
This was what we got to walk by! Planes came over all the time and you can see a few landmark buildings <3 as well as where Expo is of course!

Also passed under this bridge too. This ground was hard to walk on with my Miku shoes (from Saturday and Sunday)

So after checking in and sorting our things out we headed back to Expo :D and it had stopped raining <3 which is a bonus~ I think first of all we just went and had some food c: although I think I just ate what ever junk I had in my bag because I wanted to save money for what ever I was gonna buy or something.


And this is where we all took pictures of Kydeka eating her food <3 I'm so sorry :'3
She's cosplaying Ukyo from Amnesia (visual novel I think) and that's what Gem on the right is cosplaying from too!
And and and! This is where I saw Kelsey/ KimonoTime and AbiPop! Aaaaah <3 I love these two <3 I met Abi last year briefly but now I have a picture too! They're- they're just amazing.
Also here's an adorable picture of Rachel, cosplaying Ritsuka c:
Introducing the lovely Tasha, Shona and Alice! (You already know Kydeka~) It was so awesome spending the weekend with them <3
And while we sat here, I did what I do best
The actual picture <3 mwaa I love you guys!
And that brings me nicely onto something that you've all been expecting...

I look better as Shima when I take the photo myself what

And a final one at the hotel ^o^ aww
A lot of the Friday (half day remember) was spent walking up and down and seeing other cosplayers, and in my case, getting to know the others ^-^ who were, all really nice and amazing cosplayers.
More photos from just sitting :'3


And now. I stand. THESE GUYS;;
Other Blue Exorcist cosplayers :D and me
So after we headed back to the hotel (we were pretty tired from traveling and such) we had some fooooood. Naturally we all looked a bit of a state (I say all, I mean me) cause it was mostly no wigs, half no make up, lazy being out of cosplay. I'm tired. Kind of look going on :3 but we had some really nice food! And just talked a lot :')

  Oh before eating, Sezen and Rachel wanted to a Loveless shoot of sorts. But I kept jumping in the back of the photos <3 in my defence they weren't being very serious either :3
There are a lot of photos like this.
So over all, Friday was a pretty chill but reallyyyy nice day! Aw and I was really excited to have 2 more days of awesome ahead of me!
Good night expo.
Well at least, that's what it should have been
To be continued...


Monday 23 September 2013

Who Are You?

Or, who am I? (It's my blog of course its who am I~)

It can get kind of confusing being me sometimes.

I know that when I've just done my make up or have selfies, I really love how I look! To the point where it sounds like complete vanity <3 I'm pretty no?

But. BUT. As you have seen, I am very inseccure, about how I look especially. I can go about daily life and worry that I look bad, that someone looks sooo much prettier than me. 

It's like the opposite!

And again, if somebody comes to me for advice (this is something you've seen too) I will be straight foreward, blunt and honest. Even if it doesn't sound very kind. Its just what to do you know? suck it up and move on.

 I hate it when somebody does that to me. 

Then again I'm a very caring person! I really really hate hurting people, so much so I will be dishonest and avoid telling them the bad thing because I just want them to be happy. I will put them first, cause if theyre unhappy then so am I. 

And then I turn around and say I'm number one, screw off, my dream my life my thoughts. Cannot stop me. 


I can even quickly change opinons about something and then change again...and again...annoyed, sad, relieved, happy. What. 

Example: someone says they like/ have crush/ love me
Me number one- dont. Piss off.  (How do I do this when I know what its like to be rejected?!)
Me number two- I'm really sorry ;n;

I hope I dont encounter me number one when I like someone! (CauseItotallydontrightnow...totally)

//Had to vent

Thursday 19 September 2013


Hello c: only one week later and I'm blogging on my phone again. This might become a thing, a little chatty thing once a week to stop this blog from looking so lonely. 

Although there will still be posts I put effort into! Look out for the first Expo post later or tomorrow >u< (finally)

It's getting soooo cold this week! Not even Autumn cold, this is Winter cold wtf. It makes me hungry cause I'm using more energy to stay warm, or so it should, but I'm still cold haha. At least thars more food for me. 

Speaking of food my new diet thing I mentioned last week is going okay...ish. Other than Friday and Monday. I saw my friends before one of them travelled all the way back to Uni :c so we ate pizza and junk <3 and then Monday we went to Thorpe Park, so more junk food! Although although it was super fun ;u; Swarm is the best ride I have been on ever <3

OH! You know my favourite book of all time? (You'll know if you read my blog when I first started) The Fault in our Stars - John Green, ITS GONNA BE A FILM. EEEEE!

John, as half of VlogBrothers, keeps uploading videos from the set and with the cast, who I love already. I know theyre only filming right now but I can't wait! Its about time one of his books got a film :'3 now everybody should read The Fault in our Stars! Do it! Now! <3

How many unrelated topics can I write about in one post wtf. 

At work we've started to put out Christmas stuff. ITS TOO EARLY HELP.

Did you know you can find me on Just search for SunnyLen of couursee~ (its too hard to link on phone. Oh i'll link to another blog soon too, shes just started oooo)

Here's me and my darling Haru-chan to end with~ •ㅅ• 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Blog is Life

 Life is blog. 

I'm blogging from my phone! I did it once, remember for that awesome friend of mine? (Hana. <3 Remember remember? :D) I downloaded the app again~

Although my phone has no space left wtf :c

I'm so happy today! I'm working all day (even right now...even though I'm blogging) BUT I'm finally better again! I woke up this morning and just smiled because I didn't feel ill at all :'3 aaaaaahh ^o^

 So now dear readers and dear self- I'm going to make a diet change, for real this time! You know how we always say 'starting NOW I will be healthy' then there are so many now's. This time it's my now. Cause I figure if I eat better I won't get ill again :DD

(Okay of course everyone gets ill but now  I will get ill less ^-^)

I swear this has something to do with the title, I just can't get over how well I am! It's such a relief. Every thing today is making me happy, just the little things, and I write it (blog it) because it makes me feel good to share thoughts/ face/ activity c:

Okay I'm happy right now cause:
- When I looked in the mirror I actually looked alive! For the first time in ages. And look tired? Bish pleeaassse~

- I just had a really nice cup of tea

- I get to have lunch with my dad today!

- Alicia Keys CD is playing and I just lovee to sing along <3

- I'm not ill!!! Did I already say?

- I'm just so delighted!

- Blogging right now and blogging makes me happyyyyyy. I think about what I want to blog all the time~

- You guys c:

Okay I have to get back to work! Thats enough I'm so happy I'm probably high blogging for one day

Byyyyee ^o^~ <3

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Goodbye Bimbo

I need to cheer myself up, okay? Being ill seems to be my full time job right now, so I need to remind myself that I don't look drugged up all of the time (even when I get 10+ hours sleep wtf) 

I miss being blonde so much (I know I already said, but can't help it) it was so bright and light and unnatural~~ 

So here, you can miss it with me c:
Look at iiiitttt <3
Hair come back;;

My nails here are also nice >>
Done with my face yet?
This can be the last beautiful blonde picture ;A; aww. Everybody seems to love my dark hair now...why nobody morn the loss of this hair?!
A moments silence please...
Okay lets move on and see if I can love my hair now!
So dark
Do you love it now?!
In the end, it's not so bad <3 <3 <3
I'm going back to bed ;^;