Friday 28 September 2012

+ and -

I need to spend less time on photo apps

I invented a game, when I was meant to be sleeping. To think of 10 bad things about you and then 10 good things to throw your ego into super mode. Bad first, cause you want to be able to cheer yourself up afterwards.

It's good to know what sucks about you so you can improve it, and its also good to know how awesome you are so you can be happy!

Going to try and say all this stuff shamelessly x3

Lets start~!

1. I am lazy. I can easily find 10 other things to do without getting out of my chair instead of doing something that I really need to do.

2. I can be really, really mean. This is an odd one, I can try and give someone advice on something I feel strongly about, but then I just sound like a bitch and maybe even tell someone they're being stupid or blind when they're being down about themselves. Yeah, it's more likely to make them pissed at me than help.

3. I'm stubborn. My opinion is right and you aren't going to change it. If theres something Im unhappy with, your advice won't help me until a while later when I reason with myself.

4. Okay, I am a little self-centered, in my attempts to feel happy with myself I'll look at someone and think how I am better than them, and I know it's horrible, but I just do it.

5. I'm shy. I hate being shy. -rolls around on the floor- I'm not as bad as I used to be, I used to even be shy of family I didn't see much xD but it is really like a wall that I can't knock down completely.

6. Now this one isn't exactly my fault, but I don't help. I have bad skin, my face is gross, but I keep wearing make up on it to cover it up, but that doesn't help at all! So yeah, sucks.

7. I'm not good at taking my own advice. Kind of like shouting at someone to follow their dreams, screw everyone else! Then I'm here like...I'm too scared xD

8. I don't appreciate what I have as much as I should. Simple as really, I know I should, but I don't much, I find it hard to be like 'yay I have a house and good health' because I've never known any different.

9. I forget things. Too easily, even friends birthdays, something important like applying for a job or even something I wanted to do like look for cosplay. Theres something wrong with my brain.

10. I'm not very open. Some people might say 'oh good I dont want to listen to your problems anyway' but really, if you always keep them up it doesn't do you any good at all, I should learn to talk to people more x3

Now that I've established how awful I am, lets remind ourselves of how totally-awesome-win I am!

1. I am a good listener, hey friend, or even stranger, you got a problem? You willing to accept that I could help you? Then I'm going to listen to you. No need to ask 'can I talk to you?' just do, I don't want your life to suck, so talk away and I'll help you out!

2. I'm a loyal friend. Seriously, my friends, I love you guys and I won't ever betray your trust. If someone bad mouths you, they are really gonna regret it.

3. I'm stubborn, yeah that was a bad thing too. But this way- no-one can stop me doing what I want to do, it makes me more determined and loyal to myself.

4. Even though it seems like I can be quite the bitch, I am acctually a pretty nice person. I always want to leave a good impression on someone, so they think 'oh that girl, she was so nice.' If I ever die young people will remember me as being kind~

5. If there is something I want, like really want, I will work hard to get it and I won't stop.

6. I always try to look on the bright side of life, and try and show it to other people (successfully or not'')

7. Okay, just to be vain here, despite having bad skin, wobbles and baby fat, I'm not that bad looking. Could be worse right? XD I know about make up and know what I shouldn't be wearing xD I think my eyes are quite nice, and I'm not fat either.

8. Some super nerds might think this is bad, but I have a lot of interests! Which even cause me to study stuff, not even in school! Makes me more interesting~

9. I have some tallents actually! Honesty is a tallent, I'm a fair writer with a giant imagination, I can manage to learn languages, I have some ability to draw. Not that bad really c:

10. I'm amazing.

And there we go. I think that turned out nicely.

P.S Super congratulations to PSY making it to Number 1 in the mid-week charts! Hopefully he'll still be there Sunday, so come on PSY- come to the UK :D

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