Wednesday 26 September 2012

K-Pop Loving~

But first something so UNRELATED, I made a picture :3

I wanted to have it chilling on the side of my blog >>> but I don't know how to :c

Now onto my point! K-Pop! I LOVE K-Pop (no kidding) and have for just over a year~ I knew it before but not well at all so I wasn't really a fan, but then I was shown Super Junior >w<
Those dorks <3
I love all 15 of them, and of course the most beautiful of them all!
Not baised. At all.
Of course I love a lot of other groups, but I don't plan on filling up a blog of 'SDFGHJTNFBGDSED' spazzing over all those darlings XD just use your imagination.
The main thing about it I love is of course the music itself, that there are so many tallented people! Some of them have such powerful voices (ahem SuJu KRY), and even (congratulations, really) some made me like rap music D-D WHAT. Big Bang I'm looking at chu >>
And of course I love how freaking beautiful they all are! (I know thats kinda the point, but still, it works) I just just stare at their faces all day, example Park Bom <3 (who according to the person at o2 I bought my phone from looks like me...okay then xD I'll just agree because it makes me happy) she's so cute ;u;
Some of them have had surgery or whatever, but you can't help but admire their apperance and dedication to it! Bawww <3
And how not only can they sing, they dance and act too. How can such tallented people exist?! And they're good looking too! Why can't I have any of these things?! XD

I love the personalities that you see, staged or not I fell for them anyway~ Like Donghae and his adorable cute fishyness ;w; They make me so happy! Seeing them perform or watching their shows, K-Pop has really changed my life~
I really like the fandoms too (although scroll down, it has its problems D-D), I like it when I can be excited about something from say, NU'EST and then I can go and be all excited with other LO/\E's, same with Super Junior and ELF's, I even have a friend I simply call ELF >w<
I like the lifestyle it has given me, a whole new world to discover. So yeah, K-Pop is pretty much flawless, I know the artists themselves aren't but they're still pretty damn close! <3 I wish I could explain my love for it better x3 this is the best way I think I can without breaking the keyboard with random letters of happiness. And to add tears for effect;;; I just have this big feeling in my heart that doesn't have words ;w;
One thing I don't like is the media, but then again I never do, rumours and lies and exaggerations are the worst :c so I just avoid places like allkpop, they're there to make a story, its no good going crazy xc
Also, 'fans' I don't get you. Don't get me wrong, the artists I love, I really do love and I'll defend them if I need to, but then there are people who will criticize one artists simply because they aren't their bias, whats the point in that? Or accuse artists of copying another. You guys...why so serious?
Okay okay those stressy fans (just mentioned, and the types who have fan wars, seriously get over yourself) aren't as bad, wait, no where near as bad as Saesang fans. They aren't fans, oh my god they are INSANE. They scare me.
If you love an idol, like a lot of people do (myself included) you would maybe write a nice letter or send a gift or do a fan video or something, you would not stalk them, pay crazy prices to get a taxi to follow them around all day, hack into their emails and texts to see where they are and what they are doing. You don't shriek at them or hit them or hit normal fans just to get the idols attention.
Thats not going to make them love you, thats going to make them scared. Why would you hurt someone you love? You want to get noticed for being a creep?
One thing that reaalllyyy creeps me out, it is disgusting, is stories of girls, who get their period. When this happens to me, I think, ohhh my tummy hurts so much, emo emo emo, now time to get junk food and hug a pillow and be emotional. I don't think, oh lets write a letter in the blood and send it to oppa. AHHH WTF. WHY. WHY?!
Hey you people, they don't want this. I don't think anyone would, what are you doing? Go and spend money on stuff for yourself, not on stalking, go back to school, get an eduction. Submit yourself to a mental institution because you're so unstable.
Theres a short video on youtube about some saesang stuff, its so horrible, it really is xc how on earth are there so many of them?
Poor idols :c I feel so so so sorry for them having to put up with this, some get it worse than others, like JYJ for example. I might be wrong here but I think there was a time where Jaejoong yelled at a saesang or maybe hit one? I'm not sure BUT he got in loads of trouble for it! Do people not understand how insane these 'fans' are?
Why are they even called fans? They're mad. Completely mad. Calm down you nutcases.

If I ever got to meet my idol, I would treat them with huge respect because they inspire me so much, and I want them to be happy and think well of me ^-^
Hint hint...Heechul you are so going to meet me one day, when Im super famous and everything. Yup. :3
Even though some fans are constantly PMSing, or being plain scary, I love the rest of them and I love the groups and singers and the dramas too, so I will always love K-Pop <3 HEARTS.

P.S. During my driving lesson I was sitting at traffic lights and 2 school girls crossed doing Gangnam Style!

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